

  1. 营建勘察作业指导书
    13.1. 电力
    13.2. 空调
    13.3. 给水
    13.4. 厨房排水隔油
    13.5. 排废气
    13.6. 燃气
    13.7. 厨房排油烟
    13.8. 厨房补风
    13.9. 餐厅排风
    13.10. 餐厅补风
    13.11. 消防设施
    13.12. 电话网络
    13.13. 店招
    13.14. 墙面
    13.15. 顶面
    13.16. 地面
    13.17. 梁柱
    13.18. VRV空调及外机
    13.19. 临时用电等
  2. 设计任务书
    9.1. 项目情况介绍
    9.2. 目标顾客群介绍
    9.3. 装饰装修档次定位
    9.4. 经营菜系及比重
    9.5. 餐位数量
    9.6. 餐桌大小规格及数量
    9.7. 包房数量
    9.8. 糟眼数量要求
    9.9. 红白案比重
    9.10. 办公室及员工休息区要求
    9.11. 库房数量及面积要求
    9.12. 车位数量及要求
    9.13. 预算要求
    9.14. 工期要求
    9.15. 其他要求


Some of the above pictures and information are from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author and his company; this article is for study and research purposes only and cannot be used for commercial purposes. If this article infringes your rights, please contact us to delete; some articles The original author could not be contacted due to various reasons during the push. If copyright issues are involved, the original author is kindly requested to contact us and deal with it immediately.
