
Home renovation project management plan(Procurement management, risk control, quality management, completion acceptance standards)

Home renovation project management plan(Procurement management, risk control, quality management, completion acceptance standards)

Procurement management

First, to assist the owner to purchase

1,  confirm all decorative materials

Now, whether consumers or the news media, a feeling of the home improvement industry is that the phenomenon of job theft is serious. Therefore, the third point is to the A and B parties responsible for the procurement of materials on the scene to make clear.

2,  for the customer to brief the quality of this material

Because the customer does not understand the quality of the material and specification level, so should be in accordance with the material requirements in the contract, for the customer to introduce adapted materials

3, determine the procurement process

In order not to delay the duration, should be fully communicated with the owners to determine when all kinds of materials should be purchased.

Second, select a qualified supplier

1. The procurement department of architectural decoration and decoration materials shall, in accordance with the supplier evaluation criteria, organize investigation, evaluation, selection of supplier and re-evaluation of the qualified supplier, establish a qualified credit file, and evaluate the quality of the material and its supply in due course.

2. In developing guidelines for selecting, investigating, and evaluating the suppliers of materials, consideration should be given to one element (but not limited to):

(1)Qualifications as required by laws and regulations, including quality, environmental and occupational health, and safety management (if not through the system).

certification, etc.).

(2) The performance and reputation of cooperation with other enterprises.

(3)  Product quality, environmental protection, safety, and other conditions (e.g. whether the product involving personal safety has passed the relevant certification).

(4) Supply capacity and price, delivery, follow-up services.

(5)  whether other service requirements specific to the characteristics of the project can be met, and other content relating to mandatory performance.

(6) The selected supplier of important materials shall be approved by the construction unit and the supervision unit.

Third, control the procurement process

(i) The basic requirements for selecting decorative materials

1. The decorative materials selected shall comply with the requirements of the existing national laws, regulations and norms.

2. The decorative materials selected should meet the design requirements, and colleagues should meet the requirements of the material model approved by the owner.

3. Selection should be made according to the characteristics of the material and the location of use. When selecting decorative materials. Some basic properties of materials should be considered, such as certain strength, water resistance, fire resistance, erosion resistance, anti-slip, etc. Exterior wall decoration materials should be selected to withstand atmospheric erosion, not easy to fade, not easy to stain, do not produce frost flowers materials.

4. The choice of materials should take into account such factors as color, gloss, transparency, surface organization, shape and size, stereoscopic shape, etc.

(ii) Procurement information The procurement of architectural decoration materials shall be prepared in a procurement plan (procurement list), a procurement contract shall be concluded with the supplier, and clear information on the procurement of materials shall be provided for in these documents. Information related to material procurement includes:

1. Product specifications, models.

2. Technical requirements of the material and the performance indicators to be achieved.

3. Laws and regulations implemented and the technologies and procedures used.

4. Material acceptance criteria.

5. Acceptance method.

6. Conditions of transport, protection, storage, delivery, etc.

(iii) Contracts for the procurement of materials

Material procurement contracts shall, in accordance with the above requirements, specify the requirements for material lenders and procurement products.  In practice, the construction engineering professional builders shall approve the purchase plan (purchase list)and evaluate the procurement contract. Realize material procurement information control. Purchase contract

Reviews typically include:

1. Type, manner, procedure, delivery, or place of arrival of the procurement. Product acceptance criteria and other necessary content. Product inspection standards should take into account safety and environmental requirements. Minimize or eliminate occupational health and safety risks and environmental impacts at the source.

2. Transport, storage Materials used in the decoration of buildings are used in the transport, storage, and construction process. Effective measures must be taken to prevent damage, deterioration, and pollution of the environment.

Fourth, strict entry inspection

1. All materials should be accepted for variety, specification, appearance, and size when entering the site. The material packaging should be in good condition. There should be:

(1) Product certificate.

(2) Chinese quality supporting documents such as instructions and inspection reports on related performance.

(3) Imported products shall be inspected according to the regulations.

(4) The quality supporting documentation shall be consistent with the entry materials. Quality documents should be original; The copy shall be consistent with the contents of the original, stamped with the original deposit in the official seal of the unit, indicating the original storage place, and signed by the operator, indicating the time of operation.

2. Construction professional builders shall specify the responsibility and authority of acceptance of all kinds of materials, organize the formulation of material inspection plans, and clarify inspection methods. Material acceptance should meet the procurement requirements, according to the characteristics of the procurement products, importance, inspection conditions, such as the use of appropriate methods for inspection. Common inspection methods for decorative and decorative materials include:

(1)  Written inspection: verification of product quality supporting documents.

(2) Appearance inspection: the variety, specifications, signs, form factors, etc. for visual inspection, including equipment out-of-the-box acceptance.

(3)  Sampling retest: that is, scientific use of test equipment and instruments to the chemical composition, mechanical properties of material samples

Physical and chemical testing, including non-destructive testing using ultrasound, X-rays, surface detectors, etc.

3. Materials and retests

(1)The party item that requires a re-examination

Cement condensation time, stability, and pressure strength;

Free formaldehyde content or free formaldehyde release of artificial planks;

The radioactivity of natural granite or tiles used indoors;

(2)  Sampling of materials

In order to achieve the purpose of quality, the sample should be taken first of all the sample in doubt, or the contracting parties can agree to increase the sample quantity. Usually, the sampling principles for the re-examination of architectural decoration materials are:

The same variety and the same type of entry material produced by the same manufacturer shall be taken from at least one set of samples for re-examination, and shall be executed in accordance with the contract when otherwise agreed in the contract.

The material for the re-sampling retest is permitted as required, and the two test reports should be retained at the same time.

When the state regulations or contracts stipulate that the material should be subject to witness testing or disputes over the quality of the material, the inspection shall be carried out.  The proportion of witness sampling and inspection shall not be less than 30% of the number of samples to be taken as specified in the relevant technical standards.

Fifth, material storage

1. The storage materials should be divided into models, varieties, partition stacking, identification, and numbering respectively.

2. Flammable and explosive materials, to be marked, stored in a specific place, responsible for, and have appropriate protective measures and emergency


3. For moisture- and moisture-proof materials, there should be moisture- and moisture-proof measures, and there should be signs.

4. Materials with shelf life should be checked regularly to prevent expiration and to be well-identified.  For fragile materials, equipment, to protect the packaging, to prevent damage.

Ten, risk control

1, risk identification

1.1 Communication risk

The first link is to discuss with the head of the household on housing decoration should pay attention to matters, such as not free to wear holes in the load-bearing wall,  balcony, bathroom selection load small materials,  plate set ceiling is not desirable, do not want to tamper with the pipeline, in the bedroom decoration in order to pursue luxury, on the four walls covered with a plate, a ceiling set on two  Three-story three-dimensional ceilings, this kind of decoration practice is not desirable. Because the four walls are covered with sheet metal, occupy a larger space, will shrink the entire space area, the cost is also higher, at the same time is not conducive to fire prevention. If the demands made by the head of household conflict with the construction cost or subsequently deviate from the previous agreement, if there is a conflict, the head of household may negotiate with the head of household to adopt more appropriate materials or methods, as far as possible and the head of the household to reach an agreement.

1.2 Information lag risk

In the course of construction due to the information provided by the head of household or some materials in the market difficult to expect to arrive caused by the delay in the duration, the delay caused by the delay in the funding provided by the head of household occurred force majeure and other unexpected circumstances should be borne by the fixer, should be paid to the contractor’s labor remuneration and the price of the materials provided.

1.3 Accidental risk

The risk of materials, equipment, etc. required for renovation work is borne by the provider. Houses and facilities that need to be renovated, damaged or lost due to accidental risk, shall be borne by the owner of the house and equipment or by the actual owner or manager, and shall not be required to pay damages for the renovation. The risk burden of labor remuneration shall be borne by the contractor. In the event of an accident such as force majeure after the delay, the decoration party cannot claim exemption from liability and shall be liable for the loss of the fixer, including the loss of the house and ancillary equipment and the materials provided by the fixer

2,  risk response plan

2.1, economic measures

The main measures are contract scheme design (risk allocation scheme, contract structure design, contract clause design);

2.2, technical measures

Technical measures should embody the principles of feasibility, application, and effectiveness, mainly including predictive technical measures (model selection, error analysis, reliability assessment); Technical reliability analysis (construction technology, production process solutions, maintenance support technology).

2.3, organizational management measures

Mainly to implement the comprehensive, systematic, all-round principles and economic, reasonable, advanced principles, including management process planning, determine the organizational structure, management system, and standard-setting, personnel selection, division of duties, the implementation of risk management responsibilities. The promotion of the use of modern management tools and methods, such as risk management information systems, should also be promoted.

3, risk management work organization

During the renovation period, form a project risk monitoring team, at any time to carry out the renovation of all aspects of the problem discovery and formulation of programs, analysis of the type of risk and draft coordination mechanism, without affecting the construction process and cost budget conditions to minimize the risk

4. Inspection and evaluation of risk management work

After decoration, the owner will also refer to the relevant technical indicators, industry standards or design requirements, the quality of the decoration for careful acceptance. Because the quality of home furnishings, not only affects the actual use of housing but also affects the health of the owner’s family living if there is a discrepancy can be more determined by the terms of the previous contract.

XI, quality management

1 Quality plan

1.1 Consultation Selection Phase

At this stage, the designer mainly looks at his communication skills, that is, the customer’s idea of home into a realistic and feasible decoration program. For decoration company mainly to examine its construction qualifications, which is to show whether a decoration company has the premise of decoration capacity.

In addition, visiting the model room and the construction site is also a touchstone to examine a company, in the field can find a lot of reflects the company’s management capacity, such as whether the construction staff dress neatly, whether the site material storage is orderly.

1.2 Survey design phase

At this stage, the designer to the customer’s home to measure the size, the feeling of the scene and the customer’s decoration need to be reprocessed, in order to accurately grasp the design. Consumers need to analyze in two ways:

1, the overall effect map is good, there is a saying very in place – harmony is beauty. Whether it is an insider or an outsider, it will have its own view and aesthetic.

2, whether the design meets the needs, whether there is creativity. For example, you need the cabinet there is no, the restaurant table whether the use of the requirements, etc. Customers may have some innate deficiencies in the house, for these deficiencies, the need for designers to play their own creativity, in the decoration of the improvement.


Determine the project budget stage The budget statement provided by the decoration company contains three parts: material fee, labor fee, and management fee.  This stage is the most important and key to determining consumer choice for decoration companies.  Many consumers are determined by budget discounts, and the higher the discount, the more discounts they appear to offer.   In fact, decoration company’s profit margin is in the profit allowed to carry out, if the consumer cut prices too much, decoration company in order to live, can only work on materials and technology, this is often said to be “stealing materials”.  There are even quotes of less than 10% on the market now. Industry analysis,

There are two reasons for the price of less than 20% discount: First, this decoration house after decoration set as a model room, generally decorative company in the community’s first model, so that the profit margin is relatively large, but only the first household. Second, the price is raised first and then discount, such as raising the individual price, so that the overall budget price is high, the discount is less than 20% is not surprising.  In addition, in determining the project budget, consumers should also carefully review the drawings to determine whether the project is complete, try to avoid missing items.  For some materials to write the process clearly, especially paint, specific color, brush several times to be clearly marked.

1.4 Contract phase

Renovation contract is to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of consumers are not infringed the key, some consumers decoration is introduced through friends or relatives, due to face, did not sign a decoration contract, the future problems are not clear. When signing a contract, if the designer and he personally can sign a contract can have greater concessions, be careful this is the “private order”  that everyone is sick of.  “Private order”  Because there is no decoration company supervision, designers promised some conditions often can not be fulfilled, and because of low-cost decoration, the construction team is likely to lower the standard of materials, or even steal materials.  In addition, when signing a contract, it is best to add environmental protection provisions, in order to restrain the decoration company’s decoration behavior.  Experts suggest: consumers in the decoration at least two air quality testing, the first time before decoration, determine the original air standards of the room, the second time after the completion of decoration, waiting for indoor air to return to normal after testing, to confirm whether the decoration project meets environmental standards.

1.5 Material entry construction phase

In the material entry to prepare for decoration, there must be customers, designers, engineering supervisors, and foreman quartet to carry out the bottom, by the designer to the foreman detailed budget items, drawings, and construction processes. At the bottom, pay attention to whether the construction process can achieve the original effect of customers.  In the acceptance of materials, pay attention to whether the material stacking place has an odor, whether the plate is straight, whether the various materials

There are environmental certification marks, whether to comply with the provisions of the material details, etc. In addition, what kind of workers work in the home, how to keep in touch with them, these are consumers must know.

1.6 Acceptance phase

The whole renovation project includes hydropower, carpentry, painting, mud working, and other individual items, each item contains hidden engineering and surface engineering.  Among them, the hidden project plays a decisive role in the quality of the whole project and is the most important to its acceptance.  For the acceptance of this part, due to the professionalism is too strong, it is recommended that the project supervision and customers together, by the supervision of the project to explain the problem.

1.7 Completion and after-sales service phase

After the completion of the entire renovation, there will be a final acceptance. At this point, although the wood has become a boat, some details are still important. For example, oil industry process, you can observe from the side whether the paint surface is flat, for hydropower technology, one must repeatedly switch to confirm whether it is effective and so on.  Formal decoration companies for decoration works have a two-year warranty period, for the entire project’s life-long maintenance.

Twelve, the completion acceptance standards

1.1 Quality policy

It’s about creating a harmonious and happy environment for life: environmentally friendly, safe, practical, economical, comfortable, left to change, outdated design – if the renovation is not available within 5 years, the quality within10 years is still relatively passed, even if it is qualified!

1.2 Quality standards

1.2.1 Standard for wood flooring engineering

projectstandardThe method of inspection
gradeFirstView the instruction manual
water contentAbout 10%.
Surgery keel, mat woodAnti-corrosion treatment has been done
The surface of the plankSmoothing, polishing, no invasive marks, Russian slugs and burrs, clear pattern, clean oil surface color consistent, clean surfaceobserve
The ground is flatThe error is less than 1 mm and the gap width is less than 0.3 mmCheck with a 2 m ruler
The kickboard is straightThe error is less than 3 mm and the stitching straightness error is less than 2 mm.
projectstandardAcceptance method
Basic performanceMoisturizing, wind resistance, combustion performance, anti-theft, fire preventionInstructions
The difference in the diagonal size of the door and window notches<=2000mm+_2.0 mmMeasured with a steel tape measure, no less than three spot checks were then taken to obtain the maximum value
>2000 mm+_3.0 mm
The difference in the side-to-side size of the door and window notches<=2000 mm+_2.0 mm
>2000 mm+_2.5 mm
Doors, window frame fan tie width is poor<=2m2+_1.0 mm
>2m2+_1.5 mm
The door and window frame (including the piece of material) are vertical+_2.0 mmMeasure all with a wire hammer and a horizontal ruler
The level of the door and window frame (including the piece of material).+_1.5 mm
Doors, window opening force,N<=60 mmUse the 100N rally tester to check all of them for maximum value
The door and window frames are high<=5 mmMeasure all with a steel roll for maximum value
The doors and windows are vertically out of the center<=5 mmMeasure all with a wire hammer and a steel roll for maximum value
The center distance of the double-layered door and window inner and outer frame (including the piece of material).<=4 mmMeasure all with a steel roll for maximum value

1.2.2 Metal alloy doors and windows

1.2.3 Electrical engineering quality

projectstandardThe method of inspection
Total power supplyThree-phase five-wire system, resistance < s 4 ions 
Electrical equipment materialsConforms to national standardsInstructions
Distribution boxLeakage equipment, action current < s 30ma 
Switches and sockets installed side by sideConsistent height from the ground with error of less than 1mm 
Electrical wiringThe parallel laying distance with the water heater tube is greater than 500mm 
Lay more than 100mm parallel to the gas pipe

1.2.4 Coatings Engineering

projectstandardAcceptance method
Paints and semi-finished productsUse within the validity period, instruction manual, and product certificateView
Plasticity and ease of paintingFirmly after drying 
Grass surfaceNo return, dirt, and a variety of coatings 
Paint surfacesColor is consistent, there must be no powder, peeling, permeable bottom, astringent, falling, slug and other phenomena 
Paints and coatingsDo not contaminate non-painted areas and utensils 
Paint substrate and grass water content, mud, dust surfaceLess than 8% to 10%. 
woodworkThe moisture content is less than 13%. 

1.2.5 Dark Keel Ceiling Project This section is applicable to the quality acceptance of dark keel ceiling works with light steel keel, aluminum alloy keel, wooden keel, etc. as skeletons, gypsum boards, metal plates, mineral cotton plates, planks, plastic plates or grilles as decorative materials. Ceiling height, size, arching, and styling should meet the design requirements.

Test method: observation;   Size check. The material, variety, specification, pattern, and color of the finish material shall meet the design requirements.

Test method: observation;   Check product certificates, performance test reports, entry acceptance records, and re-inspection reports. The installation of booms, keel, and finish materials for the Dark Keel Ceiling Project must be secure.

Test method: observation;   Hand trigger check;   Check the hidden project acceptance records and construction records. The material, specifications, installation spacing, and connection of the boom and keel shall meet the design requirements. Metal booms and keels should be treated with surface corrosion;   Wood booms and keels should be treated with corrosion and fire protection.  
Test method:  observation;   Size check;   Check product certificate, performance test report, entry acceptance record, and hidden project acceptance record. The seams of the gypsum board shall be seam-proof and anti-cracking according to the standard of its construction process. When installing a double-layer gypsum board, the seams of the surface plate and the base plate should be staggered and must not be seamed on the same keel.

Test method: Observation. The surface of the finish material shall be clean and consistent in color,  and shall not have warping, cracks, or defects. The pressure bar should be straight, wide, and narrow.

Test method: observation;   Size check. The position of lamps, smoke sensors, sprinklers, air mouth tweezers, and other equipment on the trim panel shall be reasonable and beautiful, and the handover of the trim panel shall be consistent and strict.

Test method: Observation. The seams of metal booms and keels should be uniform, the angle seams should be consistent, the surface should be flat, with no warping, hammer printing. Wooden boom, keel should be straight, no cracking, deformation.

Inspection method: Check the hidden project acceptance records and construction records. The variety and laying thickness of the sound-absorbing material filled in the ceiling shall meet the design requirements and shall be subject to anti-dispersion measures.

Inspection method: Check the hidden project acceptance records and construction records. The permitted deviation and inspection method for the installation of the dark keel ceiling project shall comply with Table 6.2.11.  

Table Allowed deviation and inspection method for the installation of dark keel ceiling works

projectAllow deviation (mm).The method of inspection
Mineral cotton

Planks, plastic panels,
3222Check with a 2m ruler and
31.533Pull 5m line,  less than
5m pull line,  check with a
steel ruler
Height difference
111.51Check with a steel ruler and
a stopper

1.2.6 Installation of sanitary appliances Installation of sanitary appliance drainage pipes Proper and reliable fixation measures shall be taken for the water outlets and standing pipes of each sanitary appliance connected to the drainage ducts;   The joint between pipe and floor should take firm and reliable impermeable and leak-proof measures.  
Test method:  Observation and hand trigger check. The drainage pipe interface connecting sanitary appliances shall be tight and leak-only,  and the supporting position of its fixed bracket, pipe card, etc. shall be correct and firm, and the contact with the pipe shall be smooth.  
Inspection methods:  observation and water inspection. The permitted deviation from the installation of drainage pipes for sanitary appliances shall be in accordance with Table  

Table Allowed deviations and inspection methods for the installation of drainage pipes for sanitary appliances

The number of itemsCheck the itemBias
 (mm) is allowed
The test
1Cross pipe
Every 1m long2Use a
flat ruler
to measure
the inspection
The length
of the horizontal tube ≤l0m, full
The length
of the horizontal tube > 10m, the full
The drainage port of sanitary
appliances and the vertical and horizontal
of the horizontal branch
Individual appliances10Check with
Rows of appliances5
The interface of the sanitary appliance is
Individual appliances±10Use water
flat feet
and rulers
Rows of appliances±5
  1. should be met if no requirements are required in the design

Table Drain pipe diameter and minimum slope of connected sanitary appliances

The number of itemsThe
name of the sanitary device
pipe diameter (mm).
minimum slope
of the pipe
1Sewer basin
double-grid wash
basin (pool). 
The stool

High and low
water tanks
flushing valve
Pull pipe
flushing valve
The urinal

flushing valve
flushing of the water tank
8Laboratory basin (no plugs).40~5025
9Body cleaner40~5020
10Water dispensers20~5010~20
11Household washing machine50 (hose is 30). 

Inspection method: Check with horizontal and ruler quantities.

1.2.7 Fine woodwork engineering Wood moisture content is not greater than 13%, the appearance must not have dead knots, cracks, and insect eyes. Plywood should have a flat surface and wood fibers should not be deglued, discolored, and decayed. Fine wood products processing size is correct, smooth surface, corner square, lines must be passed, wood clear, color consistent, tightly embedded, hanging glue and exposed nail cap and other defects. Wood products and the grass must be nailed solid, no loose, cover panel and lining must be bonded firmly, do not appear layering, drumming phenomenon. Fine wood products live performance clean, pollution-free, color one.  

1.2.8 Dusting Works

4.2.2 Dust dust, dirt, oil stains, etc. on the front grass surface should be removed and wet with water.

Inspection method: Check the construction record.

4.2.3  The variety and performance of the materials used in general plastering shall meet the design requirements. Cement condensation time and stability re-examination should be qualified. The mortar

The match ratio should meet the design requirements.

Inspection methods: Check product certificate, entry acceptance record, re-inspection report, and construction record.

4.2.4 The plastering works shall be carried out in a hierarchical manner. When the total thickness of the plaster is greater than or equal to 35mm, reinforcement measures should be taken. Different material substrates are handed over

The surface of the plaster should take measures to prevent cracking, when the use of strengthening the network, strengthen the network and the base of the tie width should not be

Less than 100mm.

Inspection method: Check the hidden project acceptance record and construction record.

4.2.5 The plaster layer and the grass layer and between the plaster layer must be bonded firmly, the plaster layer should be free of layers, empty drums, the surface layer should be free of explosive ash and cracks.

Inspection methods: observation, light hammer inspection, inspection of construction records.


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