
Cost control | plot indicators and construction-related cost thinking

First, the impact of product type and construction cost

The positioning of hotel products is directly related to the construction cost of hotel projects. From the architectural point of view, the hotel positioning grade and the type of hotel products, and the construction cost of the building are often directly related.

1, urban complex type of hotel

The construction cost of the city complex hotel mainly reflects the comprehensive consideration of the commercial space of the basement and podium and the overall structure of the hotel room floor.

Commercial space in the upper and lower part of the building structure axis network is best consistent, which is the most cost-effective structure, but because of the positioning of hotel products (room size) on the basic limitation of the structural axis network, and commercial space axis network is not consistent, need to be resolved through the structural transformation layer. In the construction planning, should consider the cost problem in advance, rather than the overall span of all the structural transformation, according to the commercial space partition to partially consider the conversion of part of the structure, which will save a lot of structural costs, but also facilitate the progress of the project construction.

2, travel or vacation destination type hotels

The cultural brigade or resort destination hotel is generally a multi-building form, should be analyzed from the overall positioning of the project hotel, which needs to be based on the indicators of the plot of the volume of every single building combined with the density of the building and the greening rate requirements of the plot to divide.

The form of the building is mainly divided into the main hotel building and hotel rooms in the functional area of the centralized hotel to the guests according to the specific product positioning of the hotel project. Or take into account the indicators of the plot, the main building in addition to the functional area of the guests, the upper part of the building can also be planned to have hotel rooms, so that the relative can greatly improve the hotel’s comprehensive ping effect, after all, the number of hotel rooms in the hotel project is the main space ping effect measurement index.

It can also be planned as a relatively separate form of the hotel-to-guest function area. According to the function of multiple buildings for partitioning, such as independent lobby reception, conference and restaurant, leisure and entertainment, hot spring center building and other different guest functions set up different single building.

The construction unit is small, and the cost relative to the building structure will be small. In addition to the construction costs of the building itself, but also related to the hotel’s overall dynamic line and space and the relationship between the hotel operation to consider the construction planning, should be combined with the hotel’s grade, reasonable ping-effect space, hotel operation management, and hotel service distance and other human costs to consider.

3, product positioning of the commonality and construction costs

The positioning of hotel products also determines the style of hotel architecture, which is mainly reflected in the design of the hotel’s architectural effect. The cost control of the building also needs to estimate its construction cost in advance according to different design styles and effects and to consider it reasonably according to the overall estimates of the project, followed by the control in the building shape and construction materials.

Special shapes should be canceled or reduced as much as possible, such as riding the building form of the corridor, roof decoration trusses, sloped roofs, etc. Building materials in the early stage of the building concept should be the general direction of assessment and attention to the glass curtain wall, marble curtain wall, aluminum single-panel curtain wall, exterior wall brick, and paint use area, in advance of the cost of building materials to consider and control.

Second, the design style, building structure and form, and construction costs of the impact

The same plot index, different hotel positioning, architectural style, and building mass of different combinations is the hotel project construction costs of the key control direction. The following  “Jianjiangma”  continues to make some brief extensions to the different construction costs of the structure and form of the building.

Design style presents the building misplacement, building understanding, and vertical large space dislocation, which all need to increase the structural cost of the building to get. However, care should be taken not to do the project solely for the design features or effects of the project, the hotel or any commercial project should follow the nature of its business and commercial purposes to plan.

The above structural transformation may involve the transformation layer of the structure. Because of the functional changes of the upper and lower building space of the structural transformation layer, it is often considered as some secondary space. Such as the equipment conversion layer, shelter layer, hotel backfield area, and so on. Depending on the planning needs, these spaces may also be integrated.

When integrating planning, when the shelter or hotel backfield area is used as a device conversion layer, the two areas should be converted primarily as a network of equipment. The equipment layer should pay attention to flammable, flammable liquid or gas pipes should be centrally arranged, equipment pipe area and shelter or hotel back yard area should be separated from the shelter space, and only to set up less fire risk equipment room.

In the slope of the plot, not only for the architectural style to do slings, should be based on the land’s own conditions combined with the cost of construction to consider. In order to meet the requirements of the design style, consider the road construction cost of the traffic dynamic line of the slope, the cost of earthmoving, and the structural cost of slope protection to consider the application.

There are also often the use of slope combined with road planning, adjust the main structure of the building from the upper layer into the lower layer of the application, which needs to consider the structure of the lower buried earth and waterproof treatment, this cost needs to be combined with different schemes of earthmoving costs and different construction costs of different road planning to consider.

Third, the type of basement and the impact of construction costs

The cost of building a basement is higher than the cost of building on the ground. However, the plot indicators require that the project’s building area should be configured with the corresponding number of human defense areas and parking spaces, combined with equipment room regardless of space considerations, which can basically determine the size of space in the basement.

Basements have fully buried basements and semi-buried basements, but also divided into basements under buildings and basements without buildings, the cost of which is also a large deviation.

In addition to considering its own structural costs, the construction cost of the sub-ground chamber must also take into account the cost of pit support. It is necessary to protect the safety of the construction of the main structure of the underground and the surrounding environment of the foundation pit in accordance with the relevant technical regulations of the base pit support, and the measures adopted for the temporary support, reinforcement, protection and groundwater control of the foundation pit. The basic pit rock land quality conditions, hydrogeological conditions, surrounding environment conditions, etc. must be provided in order to determine the base pit support type and the number of projects. In order to ensure that the requirements of the specification and site safety, and then do reasonable cost control.

The cost of a basement is roughly one times higher than that of a half-buried basement, one times higher than a half-buried basement,  and one-fold more expensive to build a half-buried basement, and one-fold more expensive to build a three- or four-story basement than a ground-floor one or two floors. Basements that are not built are generally 1/5 to 1/4 cheaper than basements with buildings. This has to be assessed in conjunction with the overall structure of the building.

Fourth, some hotel supporting space and construction costs to consider

If the human defense space is adequate, and there is a shortage of parking spaces or multiple buildings and other parking space needs, you can consider overhead floor to set up parking space and avoid setting up more basement space, so as to effectively control the basement space caused by excessive construction costs.

In addition, it is not recommended to design a basement with capacity, except that the floor space caused by the height limit cannot be exhausted. For the “stealing”   area, etc., do not make too much of a story here, the risks involved are huge, different investors on their own assessment of the benefits and risks.


The building volume, shape, and topographical structure of multiple buildings also have a great influence on the construction cost of building, and the construction cost of building and energy-saving also has a certain influence. This related content, such as the need for the group, “Jianjiangma”  and the group topic to share.


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