
How high-end hotel owners can build an elite management team for engineering

How high-end hotel owners can build an elite management team for engineering

Is this to find something for hotel owner HR?  (Welcome to headhunter’s message harassment).

After the completion of the previous article, some of my former colleagues and friends sent a message saying: After the horse gun, how do you always write the content of the consultant, how not to write about our owner?

I personally apologize to the group first, there has been something personal recently, it hasn’t been updated for a long time. I didn’t write this number with an outline and didn’t prepare anything in advance. It’s usually more about what you write when you want to write, just when you think about it. Today at the request of the group, this article to the main business site to do something. Can you say that this is to the hotel owner HR to find something?  (Haha)

Owed so long, this time to write a long article for the crowd to make up for. If the group just wants to know what team into the long-term, the team matures what or what, it is recommended that now can directly jump to Baidu to search for related papers to see.

What this article is going to share with the crowd is what an elite management team is. Team talent selection is mainly composite talent, so that both small and comprehensive team, coupled with the flat management system, the team’s executive power will be very strong, the work is absolutely efficient.

Of course, this is also HR’s biggest headache, there is often a sentence: when the composite elite talent is short of a pit is extremely difficult to fill, not conducive to the long-term construction of the team.

HR is thoughtful, the article is fine (haha). If necessary, we can help hunt, find people is not a big problem, how to keep talent is the key, this is the place where HR to work hard, don’t find a person, don’t just casually throw to the project department to finish … (How to retain people, how to properly place talent in the project, this is also HR professional to do.) )

Composite talents generally in many positions, but also in different professional rotations or have different professional management experience. Even some in different management, different departments more than a job exercise, and professional specialists. From this, you can understand why the composite talents are experienced, analytical ability, adaptability, technical communication ability.

(Foreign international hotels 30% of the composite talents are from rotation, more than one multi-post ability.) Hotel management companies through the ability of strong staff rotation to effectively reserve talent and accumulate complex talent hotel management. )

Suppose you are in a project. The team is left with only a highly capable composite talent, even if you temporarily transfer to him a few non-professional staff, in a short period of time he can carry the project. Such talents are extremely strong goals, plans, overall control ability, can be consultants, workers can all mobilize for a greater extent for the project to serve.

And composite talent replacement time can enter the state, far better than non-composite talent management team temporary replacement needs to adapt period. The management team of composite talents can actually make the stability of the normal development of the project more secure. Generally not in a particularly high interest, but also more difficult in the project process can be hunted out, composite talent more attention to their project integrity work experience, they are more willing to take responsibility for the project in the end or to the end.

One.  High-end hotels The architecture of an elite team of engineering management

The hotel project team should establish a hotel project company, should be independent of the other departments of the enterprise system, only by the project company top management vertical management, try to avoid excessive horizontal management at all levels of the team.

The following is a brief description of the two team structures and management processes, both of which are for the reference of the group, and which can be appropriately optimized by the group.

Project team top-level settings:

1 Project General Manager, 1 Engineering Director, 1 Finance Director, 1 Executive Director.  Each professional general can also be set up as the deputy general manager of each major.

The Project General Manager leads the core team engineering director, finance director, and executive director to the group company (or board of directors). Manage relationships with the upper-level companies so that the work of the project team is not subject to horizontal intubation by the upper-level companies.

Core Team Competencies:

General Manager of the project: familiar with the commercial operation of the hotel, with a strong hotel positioning, planning, and other control capabilities;

Engineering Director: familiar with hotel positioning, can guide the design for hotel positioning landing, and has a strong engineering cost control capacity;

Finance Director: familiar with the financial management of hotel engineering development and hotel capital operation, strong financing capacity;

Chief Executive Officer: Familiar with the commercial operation of the hotel, with the project local government resources, strong social public relations capabilities.

Consider representing a team member or person in charge as the owner of the hotel when operating. Of course, some of the above positions from the beginning to consider as the hotel operation of the owners on behalf of team members to look for is also possible.

Project team department settings:

Engineering Project Department, Finance Department, Administration Department.

The comprehensive project management, project cost, development, and construction functions of the Project Department, the comprehensive fund co-ordination, financing, project financial survey, material procurement, etc. of the Ministry of Finance, the comprehensive administration of the Ministry of Administration, personnel resources management, cooperation with public relations, project material warehouse management, etc.

The hotel project team is mainly for the construction of one or two hotel projects at the same time. Set up these three departments, integration also contracts department, procurement department, personnel department and so on. Can reasonable distribution of labor, and improve each other’s supervision.

Finance and Administration (except at the director level) are considered for retention as the hotel company’s co-department after the hotel preparations are completed.

Departmental staffing for the project team:

The following focuses on engineering project management and project cost management positions and their functions.

1. Engineering Project Department:

Design Engineering Manager:1, recommended for hotel design-related professionals (preferably with the experience of a hotel management company’s technical consulting or hotel design management consultancy) to transform into a complex talent for project management. Have a strong high-end hotel design effect control ability, high-end hotel design management ability, high-end hotel hardcover construction management experience. There are a number of hotel projects to prepare for completion acceptance, fire acceptance, and project handover operation work experience.

The job requirements: clear hotel design stage of the mutual impact of professional design, familiar with the building and professional design norms, fire professional and other relevant laws and regulations;

Civil Engineering Manager:1, recommended for hotel design-related professionals (preferably with experience in hotel design management consultants) to transform into project management composite talent. Architecture or structure professional has a strong high-end hotel planning and design control ability, hotel design management ability, high-end hotel structure, garden structure construction management experience. There are a number of hotel projects to prepare for the construction planning acceptance, fire acceptance, building completion acceptance, and project handover operation work experience.

The job requirements: clear hotel design stage of the mutual impact of professional design, familiar with the building and professional design norms, fire professional and other relevant laws and regulations;

Electrical and mechanical engineering manager:1, recommended for the hotel mechanical and electrical design-related professionals (preferably with the hotel mechanical and electrical consultants’ technical consulting experience) into a project management composite talent, for the mechanical and electrical HVAC professional or strong electrical professional is good. Have a strong high-end hotel mechanical and electrical system program audit ability, mechanical and electrical design management capacity, hotel mechanical and electrical construction management capacity. There are a number of hotel projects to prepare for the mechanical and electrical intermediate acceptance, fire acceptance, and project transfer operation work experience.

The job requirements: clear hotel design stage of the professional design and mechanical and electrical professional interaction, familiar with the mechanical and electrical professional design norms, fire professional and other relevant laws and regulations; The position must be connected to external water, external electricity, in addition to proficient in HVAC professional and strong electrical professional, but also must be familiar with a water supply and drainage, weak power intelligent system.

The above positions must be able to hotel projects from the planning stage, construction stage, design stage, construction stage, acceptance stage, to the trial operation stage for reasonable planning and have a strong project progress management control ability, can pre-judge the time node deviation on the critical path, can be pre-determined to make a correction, optimize the next key point of the relevant work tasks, and enter this stage in advance to digest part of the support of the work. And need to have a strong sense of cost control management, can be reasonable optimization of the relevant professional design, they all have the potential to promote high-end hotel project director.

Professional engineers:2 to 3, must have experience in the design institute background. It is recommended that mechanical and electrical related professional one, decoration related professional one. An electrical and mechanical related professional must be at least one, by the mechanical and electrical manager according to their professional complementary selection; Although there are professional points, not limited to the professional scope of management, they are more according to the allocation of areas to manage, but often accompanied by non-regional joint patrol and solve on-site problems.  Professional engineers in the non-professional director, the burden of cross-learning, and take the initiative to consult professional managers, in order to become the industry’s composite elite talent preparation.

Read this, it is not difficult to find that the above positions must have the experience of the design institute background. (Of course, also does not rule out that there is no institute work experience, but there is certainly research on hotel design, can integrate the composite talent.) Yes, the preparation of high-end hotel projects is different from real estate projects, the function of each hotel, the effect of each space needs to consider its design purposes, operational needs, dynamic relationship, guest experience, can not only know it but do not know why.

Development Manager:1 recommended for construction-related majors. With the project, local has a certain degree of government-related contacts, and in the project, the annex has independently completed the project from the project, planning, construction and municipal approval and completion of acceptance of all procedures experience;

The job requirements: familiar with commercial real estate projects and hotel project expertise, project management knowledge, understanding the commercial project development related policies, development process and review, reporting and construction procedures of the approval process Expression communication skills, strong organizational coordination skills, strong language skills, and public relations skills.

Engineering information post:1, recommended for the construction-related professional, can be concurrently by professional engineers but should be mainly project information. According to the project needs, hotel project engineering management and development construction work, the future of workplace planning for the development of the construction manager. or leave the hotel as a hotel engineering manager while it operates.  

Decoration (and architecture, garden) cost manager:1, engineering cost professional, with strong business contract terms negotiation ability. It is recommended to have experience in engineering cost consulting, at least two or more hotel project decoration (pure architecture or garden professional experience does not meet) consultant work experience, or owner’s experience in charge of two hotel project decoration professionals.

Electrical and mechanical (and equipment, installation) cost manager:1, engineering cost professional, with strong business contract terms negotiation ability. It is recommended to have the experience of engineering cost consulting company, at least two or more hotel project mechanical and electrical (must have the main direction of attack for strong electricity, professional) consultant work experience or have the owner of two hotel project mechanical and electrical professional head of the owner’s experience.

Worker post:1 to 2, engineering cost professional, required to be able to professional cost in charge of the requirements of each professional, can complete part of the independent measurement of professional drawings; Engineering cost consulting firm materials staff similar experience is preferred, if due to staffing constraints can only be set 1, it is recommended that the main decoration professional direction is appropriate.

Finance Department:

Accounting, Cashier: 1 each,  and hotel operating materials procurement. Financial-related professional, single hotel the same professional at least three years of equivalent post-experience, at the same time with hotel preparation and operation of materials procurement experience is good.

Department of Administration:

Executive Manager, Administrative Commissioner: 1 each,  and also the warehouse management function. Administrative, personnel-related professional, single hotel the same professional at least two years of equivalent post-experience (the commissioner can relax to one year of the same experience), while the hotel preparation and operation of material warehouse management experience is good.

For each stage of the project fine management, follow-up I will be in the hotel project construction phase of the various topics interspersed with the narrative.

Below is HR Decompression (Haha).

In this way, the team’s people do not need to spend much effort to manage, only need to lead. The right direction, coupled with the right team, gives them the guts to play in the project, and when people feel given enough responsibility, responsibility can help them grow better, and they feel confident that they can do more with less at work.

There are always problems in project preparation, but in a team like this, everyone can do a good job of giving forward, and risks and costs can be controlled to a lower level. When looking at talents in the early stages of team building, quality is far more important than stability. This is not to say that the stability of talent is not important, the stability of talent must still be reasonable planning.

The talents and challenges of these underlying members, the management of the project will pass on the wisdom they need to grow through the various stages of the project, and the hotel project preparation, cross-professional, complex, and demanding, is extremely challenging. As long as they have the potential to learn, no matter what level of the structure, it is not difficult to find that high potential people want to improve their personal ability, they have the motivation to be motivated, humble, strive to do better, have the motivation to have the right goals, can be a strong sense of responsibility and a high degree of commitment to work. Even younger team members can look for opportunities to try to make them more talented.

For employees, financial returns are also important. In some hotel projects, however, pay is less important than most people think. The most important thing for HR is to identify high-potential talent in project preparation, retain talent, and realize their potential.

Welcome to the HR staff responsible for the hotel’s preparation or headhunting message harassment … (Haha).

You should be like us, with long-term attention to the hotel to build a composite elite talent, compound potential talent. Now more headhunters can only be regarded as the screener of the talent market resume, in a pile of resumes to pick a few to the owner that lost, still leave the problem to the employer. Headhunting is different from ordinary HR, should focus on note and reserve such potential-based growth talent, and for them to do a good job of career planning, long-term attention to the growth of talent, for such talent long-term planning and talent accumulation of headhunters worthy of the headhunting, is to the project to build a plate of really excellent headhunting.


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