
Cost control | garden cost thinking in hotel planning and design (content is also suitable for housing projects)

Cost control | garden cost thinking in hotel planning and design (content is also suitable for housing projects)

The impact of design on the cost of planning for the construction of the project is considered in advance in the planning of the hotel garden

First, the concept of green space rate and greening rate

Before we talk about garden design planning and cost considerations, let’s first understand that gardens in the project plot indicators have a very important indicator – green space rate.

Green space rate is the mandatory index of land parcels of construction land, and friends of the construction industry understand that green space rate refers to the proportion of green space area within the planning and construction land in the total area of planned construction land.

Green space rate and greening rate are two different concepts, which are easy to make people ambiguous or neglect.  “Jianjiangma” is here for the group to make brief dredging and sharing, and hope to discuss with the industry.

We often hear about real estate projects. However, greening rate and green space rate are two different concepts of indicators, their definition is fundamentally different, and they are not only different calculation rules, calculation methods are also different.

Green space rate is the mandatory index of land parcels, is a rigorous concept. Although the greening rate is only a word difference, it is more developers used for the project living environment of a means, is an irregular concept, more is the use of different concepts in promoting the environmental comfort of their project. Of course, it is, or maybe, an improvement in environmental comfort.

1, green space rate and green rate calculation rules and calculation methods

The rule of green space referred to in the green space rate is that land within 1.5 meters of the building’s façade and 1 meter of the road edge shall not be considered green space. The upper part of the underground buried buildings such as underground parking garages and septic tanks must be covered with soil up to a depth of 3 meters in order to ensure the growth and survival rate of large trees so that plants are planted on the ground can be counted as green space. In the landscaping of green space, sculpture, pool, pavilion, and other green skits can not be deducted.

The greening land rules in the greening rate may include the projection coverage area of the water body, the inside or the upper part of the building, which is calculated according to a certain proportion of calculation. The calculation method of green space is the area of green planting, the green area is the projected area of green planting, one is the area of land, the other is the projected coverage product, and the calculation method is different.

2, the greening rate in different places of different policy requirements

With the improvement of people’s living standards, in addition to the planning land for the green space rate requirements, local policies also provide for the comfort of different projects. Therefore, it will also put forward the greening rate in the planning points of the land.

The covered greening rate includes, for example, the top greening of the overhead floor, basement, podium and roof, and the water body area, which is calculated in proportion to the depth of different planting soil in the definition of different areas.

Specific greening rate definition rules and calculation methods should be consulted separately, and according to the planning, points must be consulted in detail with the local planning bureau for confirmation. For the above, such as the group there is any ambiguity, welcome to leave a message with  “Jianjiangma” for further discussion.

Second, the green space rate and green rate concept on the project garden planning and design

This paper devotes so much space to the concept of green space rate and greening rate, mainly in order to avoid the concept of confusion affecting the project planning and design does not meet the requirements of the economic and technical indicators of the plot, thus causing unnecessary design modification and time cost waste in the planning and design stage.

Such as a project case in which  “Jianjiangma”  intervenes in the middle. The project is a spa resort, the project consists of the main building and several townhouse hotel rooms, all villas are pool-to-house, such a design concept may be a good gimmick of the project.

However, after the “Jianjiangma”  took over the preliminary accounting, the project uses the slope of the high difference design of the main building semi-basement and all the water body area of the total, the greening rate can barely be satisfied, first do not consider a large number of water body construction and later operation and maintenance costs, but ignored the calculation of the green space rate has been unable to meet the economic and technical indicators stipulated by the plot.

After the “Jianjiangma”   combined with the satisfaction of the mandatory indicators of the plot and the analysis of project input and output, etc., the project proposed the overall garden design optimization proposal and cost control program, decided to the original garden planning and design of the overall re-planning. Therefore, the economic and technical indicators of the plot must be in the concept design must be considered overall, to avoid taking some unnecessary detours.

Third, the main cost impact in garden planning and design

The cost impact of earthworks, geological difficulties of earthwork excavations, and retaining walls has been described in relevant contents such as geodesy, and interested friends can refer to it in other articles in this number, and will not be repeated here.

1, about the cost of water thinking

Functional space design comes from life, garden design should follow nature.

Such as the original project has a natural water body such as ponds, rivers, such water body is a natural self-circulating system, but often due to the project’s involvement in its destruction. We should try our best to retain its natural resources and abide by the ecological laws of nature, which is not only considered from the point of view of construction costs but also reflects the designer’s understanding of the project conditions and respect for nature. Then combined with inspiration to do some optimization of the surrounding environment and supplement to make its design works on the soul of natural beauty fully expressed.

The construction cost of the new large water body, simple excavation, impermeability, and water supply and drainage is slightly higher for the garden, but the impact is not great. The cost of large water bodies is mainly reflected in the maintenance costs at a later stage, which will involve the impact on an entire ecological chain.

The new large body of water (artificial lake), the amount of water is broken the original geographical conditions, the need for water recharge to get the effect of the water body — > need to be impermeable to maintain the effect of the water body — > Comprehensive excavation and impermeable treatment isolates the new body from geographical conditions and requires a self-made water ecosystem — >  Water treatment systems (including circulating water treatment systems for artificial lakes and water treatment systems for rehydration).

Large bodies of water also involve security (in this case, emergency life-saving) considerations.

In the planning and design of the water body in the garden cost should not only consider its construction cost but also consider its subsequent operation and maintenance cost.

Therefore, for the deliberate implantation of large water bodies, “Jianjiangma”  does not advocate. If the project itself does not have a water body or has some small water body (ponds, wetlands, etc.) to increase the area of the water body for new large water body planning, which must be combined with the construction cost and the investment value of the project to comprehensively measure.

2, about the cost of the hard scene thinking

Designers often use hard scenery in the garden design of the design style, art, and culture implanted in the finishing touch.

Good garden design must be indispensable hard scenery embellishment, here can have designers more thinking, a more far-reaching perception of the effect, and deep-seated spiritual thinking. There is no soul of the deliberate building, even if the cost of investing in that is only a barrier.

For the expression of beauty, whether surface or internal, whether from the macro or micro or any angle of performance, in fact, through the art form of the method, craft to make the cultural presentation, without the need for huge structure, high-priced stone, and other materials.

Often ordinary stone (Moshi or granite, etc.) through different forms, lines, division, and other artistic design techniques, or through the process of stone surface treatment, even stone paint or plastic concrete through the treatment of surface texture, and when combined with the visual proximity, lighting to show a rich sense of hierarchy, the effect of light and shadow, flowing water through the texture of the surface, green climbing, and other effects, It also incorporates deep-seated thought content that designers want to incorporate.

Perhaps some friends will say: different people on the level of artistic appreciation are different, and even more people’s appreciation is just stuck in the surface of the perception.

Of course, the differences in levels, individual cultural differences will certainly have, but this does not mean that people can recognize noble materials can not accept through the artistic expression of ordinary materials. Only more original art, in order to let more layers of the crowd accept, the original art with the washing of wind and rain, the imprint of the traces of the years and make the works more intriguing, more artistic value.

3, about the cost of soft scenery thinking

The layout of soft scenery is a key factor affecting the cost of soft scenery.  But if it is a good idea, under the condition of cost control, “Jianjiangma”   suggests following the designer’s ideas, shaping different environments to bring people different levels of visual effects, mood, ideological realm, which gives people a very healing. Is to let people involuntarily photograph, and make it form a punching point.

Whether it is an open lawn or a sea of flowers, whether it is a rich layer of crowns, Joe combination or beautiful dividing lines on both sides of the road, whether it is the visual focus of embellishment or step out of sight, whether it is leisure garden or such as stepping into the forest scenery, and so on, plus the fragrance of flowers, flower color, different seasons of plant leaf color (evergreen plant or leaves before the color) with the environment, this is the most expressive of the realm of thought, but also the most sophisticated designer power.

For the optimization of soft scenery, the difference is not very different visual effects, different tree species price differences may also be very large. From the planting, canopy, tree, etc., different varieties of price differences are also large, as long as the plant wants to express the effect combined with its own nature, constantly thinking, contrast, so as to combine the designer’s ideas and needs to be combined with cost optimization, combination replacement consideration is not a good solution.

Fourth, the impact of other outdoor functional designs on costs

1 Cost thinking of trails, corridors, trails, and lanes

For the road, road, in considering the cost and effect, first of all to meet the functional needs, not to ignore the functional requirements and the pursuit of results, must be considered as appropriate.

For example, if the driveway of a battery car needs to be designed as a ding-step trail, it will be a great burden on the future operation and maintenance of the battery car, and the damage caused by the electric car on a rainy day to the vegetation next to the ding-step increases operating maintenance costs and will also bring hotel guests a very bad experience.

2 Outdoor pavilions, platforms, buildings, pavilions cost thinking

This can be considered in the hard part above.  Consider its style, shape, and materials used in construction and construction difficulty.

In addition, quiet leisure and other functions and visual effects (their own visual effects or the location of the environmental effects and vision visual effects) are the embodiment of its true value.

Some functional (such as pro-horizontal platform, observation platform, etc.) design, it is important to combine personal safety considerations, can not compress the security level and save costs.

3, outdoor activities and sports venues cost thinking

For outdoor activities and sports venues, the use of the project must be analyzed by a combination of its own conditions to determine (or select) the plan.

Such as outdoor tennis courts, badminton courts, etc., must be combined with the conditions of the project’s own environment to consider. Otherwise, either the sun is not good, or rainy, or snowy, or the wind is too big to use the season or time period is extremely limited, then such functional planning is meaningless or ineffective.

For example, outdoor swimming pools are not suitable for outdoor swimming in most seasons in the north, which must be considered in the context of environmental and cost conditions. Otherwise, if the utilization rate is too low, or do a heated swimming pool, operation and maintenance costs are very high, value and income is seriously unequal. If the function of the swimming pool is also the effect of this water feature, “Jianjiangma”  suggested that we should consider changing the outdoor swimming pool to a shallow landscape reflecting pool, and then set up an indoor swimming pool of the appropriate size indoor.

V. Summary

This high-priced material itself is the cultural characteristics of the project place, is the designer’s design theme want to implant the culture and elements of integration; This tree species is … There must be an ancient tree hundreds of years or more in order to work with the project building …。

Yes, the designer is right. However, if it is not a public construction project or a public welfare project, the project must be considered in light of its economic benefits.

Even if the investor wants to make the project what kind of image project for the company or enterprise … , but if cost optimization does not place too much burden on the project when planning and designing, why should it be allowed to ignore the cost? This is responsible for the project.

Any commercial project that needs to be operated should consider the significance of the investment in terms of the business investment value of the project itself, and then consider the other value significance. Because other value implications may change, but after the completion of the project, its own commercial value is mostly unchanged.


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