
Cost control | talk about the outsourcing of room services in high-end hotels

Into this control | talk about high-end hotel room service outsourcing

Will the outsourcing of room services at high-end hotels become mainstream?  Where is the pit?  

The business model of room service outsourcing has been popular in the IT industry for a long time, mainly IT room service outsourcing, and the business model of hotel room service outsourcing has only just begun.  It has room outsourcing services as long as the data host equipment, system hosting maintenance, and the hotel room outsourcing services as long as it is for high energy-consuming system equipment for managed operation, maintenance.

For the hotel’s high energy-consuming system equipment, mainly HVAC system, and hot water system. These two mechanical and electrical equipment system energy consumption is larger, just happens to be a higher cost of preparation, operation, and maintenance of the professional difficult system. With the increasing labor cost of professional and technical personnel and a difficulty to find the present, the hotel’s computer room to professional services outsourcing model also emerged.

In addition, the package business model for the service industry’s high energy consumption system to undertake unified and sophisticated management is necessary. In the future, such outsourced service providers will grow with the increasing number of projects undertaken and will become a mainstream industry.

As follows, “Jianjiangma”  will bring together a group to understand the supplier’s business model of outsourcing all-room services, in the current hotel preparation in the pros and cons.

The hotel room service outsourcing cooperation model in the preparatory stage began, there can be two modes of cooperation. First, hotel investors self-invest in system equipment room, external charter room operation management and maintenance, maintenance services;

First, the future advantages of all-room service outsourcing in the hotel:

The hotel’s full-room service outsourcing, then the hotel investors to do their own lower costs, more efficient operation. Its advantages are mainly reflected in the high energy consumption of mechanical and electrical system equipment and technology in the form of contracting to entrust professional suppliers to run management and repair, maintenance services, thereby improving the efficiency of the hotel itself, so that the hotel can be more focused on the operation and management of hotel services.

In addition, the package business model has the hotel investors self-built incomparable advantages. Professional areas continue to subdivide, professional suppliers to undertake professional services, increase the norms of mechanical and electrical system management. Strong support and manpower support, so that the allocation of resources reasonable, reduce operating costs idle.

The most important purpose and core value of outsourcing this service is the logic of professional savings, all parties can put limited resources in the most important places, focus on their respective industries, to achieve a win-win effect.

At present, for this kind of room outsourcing service business model, the early stage can indeed reduce the investment cost of hotels, but this kind of outsourcing service provider companies, they are also running for benefits. At present, this model is still in the early stages of the development of the industry and poses a definite risk to the normal operation and management of the hotel.

Hotel brands do not support the current state of the industry. Including some full-machine room outsourcing services are free of charge for hotel investors to build hotel mechanical and electrical system room, suppliers in cooperation with hotel investors 10 years later, the whole room equipment is owned by the owner, but the current business logic or wool is ultimately returned to the sheep.

Second, about this model, the risk to the hotel is mainly as follows:

1. The goal of this outsourcing service model is to outsource operations for 10 years, to recover the upfront construction investment costs of suppliers of outsourced services within 10 years, and to make a profit.

“Thus, they are only thinking about the upfront investment of the equipment for about 10 years to try to control costs.”

For example, the normal life of HVAC equipment in a typical hotel is 20 to 25 years, but they are considered less than normal to reduce the cost of investment. If the hotel is full, the equipment is running at an overloaded capacity, so that it could have been used for 25 years or more after 10 years is basically all faulty, or has not met the hotel standard requirements in operation, will reduce the guest’s stay experience.

2, this outsourcing service model of service providers, is group management, otherwise, its operating management costs and the hotel self-built room operating costs are not much different, there is no advantage.

Service providers for each partner project are not configured with high-cost manpower on-site management. Electrical and mechanical system equipment generally in a year or two later will begin to need some large maintenance work, such as in this sudden failure or special circumstances, the field operation management personnel may not be able to deal with. As a result, emergency response is not possible to achieve timely, in place treatment.

3, mechanical and electrical equipment maintenance time also has a lot of uncertainty, group equipment deployment management can not be fully controlled in the hotel deployment, it is inevitable that there will be important hotel activities and improper coordination.

For example, when scheduling regular maintenance work for our hotel’s equipment, the service provider’s deployed maintenance staff’s working hours are not specifically coordinated with the hotel, the service provider’s maintenance staff is only in charge of completing the staff’s work tasks, may occur regardless of whether our hotel has temporary activities to carry out temporary equipment maintenance, supply, etc.

4, the involvement of such outsourcing services is too late, hotel construction, equipment mechanical, and electrical needs in accordance with the service provider’s established program in the implementation of low-matching systems can not meet the future changes and updates of mechanical and electrical systems.

In order to control the cost of pre-equipment investment, service providers may have a systematic plan to change the normal planning and design, which will affect the normal progress of project preparation work, or increase the construction cost caused by the renovation and change of the building. And for the room space, pipe well size requirements and other considerations, so that can not meet the normal mechanical and electrical system design conditions.

Third, the conclusion:

To sum up, the cooperation model of all-machine room service outsourcing, although it can make the hotel in the early part of the investment cost may be directly saved, but regardless of the specific details of this model of cooperation, service outsourcing providers still want to make money to survive, the ultimate all input costs still have to pay back.

Hotel full room service business model in its early stage of development, there are still a lot of fine management and other specific contents needs to constantly think, to try, to experience, to experiment and research. These pits cannot be ignored because of the many uncontrollable factors in the early stages of the business model.

Because, these hotels’ high-energy mechanical and electrical system equipment is the hotel equipment, facilities supporting the hardware heart of services, light and not fall into the hands of others. If it is not because the hotel is only poor this fee will not be built down, “Jianjiangma”  will not recommend the use of such important service outsourcing cooperation when the business model has not yet matured.


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