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Listed property company repair service manual

Listed property company repair service manual

1 Departmental work objectives

2 Department responsibilities

3 Job description

4 Renovation management

5 Decoration arrangement system

6 Decoration inspection system

7 Take over the acceptance process

8 Take over acceptance management

9 Transfer of building information

10 Nonconforming items are processed

11 Hydrometer copy management

12 Hydropower usage analysis

13 Maintenance safety work system

14 Maintenance work details

15 Inspection of the repair process

16 Electrical and mechanical equipment management procedures

17 Device classification and code

18 Equipment acquisition process

19 Equipment critical failure repair process

20 Equipment (tools)  Foreign Commission maintenance regulations

21 Low-variable distribution cabinet power distribution operating procedures

22 Low variable distribution cabinet (box), switch maintenance procedures

23 Control cabinet operating procedures

24 Control rejection procedures

25 Power distribution room (room)  management system

26 Regulations for the management of water supply systems

27 Pump room management system

28 Pump maintenance procedures

29 Valve maintenance procedures

30 Cleaning procedures for water tanks and pools

31 Mine protection system maintenance procedures

32 Fan room maintenance procedures

33 Operating procedures for closed-circuit monitoring systems

34 Closed-circuit monitoring system maintenance procedures

35 Gate System Maintenance Procedures

36 Elevator room management system

37 Elevator maintenance supervision specifications

38 Equipment tour

39 Material management

40 Records management

41 File handover management

42 Fire management

43 Description of duties for fighting fires

44 Fire safety “three-level inspection”

45 Fire inspection content

46 Fire handler diagram

47 Fire handler diagram

48 Emergency management of fire fighting

49 Emergency plan for fire suppression

50 Firefighting Emergency Programme Training

51 Inspection standards for firefighting work



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