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Property Management Project Risk Management Control Manual

Property Management: Project Risk Management Control Manual

Chapter 1 Property Company Risk Management System 1

Section 1 Risk Management Overview 2

Section II Establishment of a Risk Management System4

Section III Property Company Risk Control System Management Document 12

Chapter II The source and countermeasure of property project management risk 47

Section 1 Category 48 of Property Project Management Risk

Section II Source of Property Management Risk 50

Section III Countermeasures for Risk Prevention of Property Project Management 51

RELATED LINKS http://www.scotsman-risk awareness 63

Chapter III Identification and Control of Dangerous Sources of Property Services 65

Section 1 List of Hazards in Property Management 66

Section II Identification of Hazard Sources 69

Section III Control of hazardous sources 72

“Real-life model” property management risk source identification and risk assessment table  74

Chapter IV Property Project Services Process Risk Control 109

Section 1 Property Management Projects Undertake Risk 110

Section II Renovation Management Risks and Precautions 118

Section III Risks and Precautions for Public Facilities Equipment 125

Section IV Risks and Precautions in the Public Environment 134

Section V Risks and Precautions of Public Security 137

Section 6 Risks of High-Altitude Falling and Prevention 141

Chapter V Financial Risks of Property Management and Prevention 145

Section 1 Classification of Financial Risks of Property 146

Section II Control measures for financial risk of the property 150


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