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“Bank Project Property Management Planning Program Template”

“Bank Project Property Management Planning Program Template”

Chapter 1  Tender Documents (Slightly).

Chapter II  Company Profile (Slightly).

Chapter three  is the idea of service management planning

First, the basic overview of the service 5

Second, the overall idea of property services 5

Third, the overall vision and planning of property management 8

Chapter Four  Governing Body Settings and Standard Requirements

First, the management framework set-up figure 18

Second, the responsibilities of various departments 18

Objectives and requirements for personnel training 25

(a) Training content and training methods 25

(ii) Goal 26 to be achieved after training

Fourth, employees on-the-job instruments, behavior, attitude standards 29

V. Each post operating specification 31

Chapter V  Order Maintenance and Vehicle Management

First, public order maintenance analysis within the property service area 32

Public Order Maintenance Programme 32

(1) High-quality order maintenance team 33

(ii) Efficient operation process 34

(iii) Personnel management 34

(4) Items in and out management 34

(v) Security precautions for different functional areas 35

(vi) Focus 35

Third, fire management

(1) To formulate measures for the implementation of fire management

(ii) Improving management skills through training 37

(3) Implement the responsibility system for fire safety and implement the procedures for emergency disposal of fire protection

Vehicle management 39

(1) Vehicle traffic management implementation measures 39

(ii) Ground vehicle management 40

(iii) Vehicle Management Scheme 41 for underground car parks

V. Security Defense Management Program 41

The conditions to be met by a  security guard are 41

Security work requirements   42

  Security workflow 43

  Security work system 44

Security   requirements for the Office of Business 45

Security process 45 of the office

The security system of the Office of Business 47

Chapter 6  Environmental Health Management

First, property service cleaning program 48

Second, sanitation cleaning range 48

(i) Office cleaning 48

(ii) Outdoor and rooftop 49

(iii) Utility equipment 49

(iv) Other 49

Third, cleaning work specific operation method 50

(a) Office cleaning 50

(ii) Greening management 52

(iii) Outdoor public main passageway, outdoor road cleaning measures 52

(4) Outdoor green space cleaning measures 53

(v) Drainage cleaning method 53

(6) Measures for the cleaning of rain and sewage wells

(7) Shared toilet cleaning 54

(8) Elevator and elevator hall cleaning 55

(9) In addition to the “four evils”  cleaning method 56

(7) Other cleaning methods 59

Fourth, environmental cleaning service content and indicators 61

(1) Outdoor public access, outdoor road cleaning standard 61

(ii) Outdoor public green space cleaning standard 61

(iii) Drain cleaning standard 61

(4) The cleaning standard 62 for rain and dredging of sewage pipe wells

(5) Carving decorations, propaganda columns, signs and signs cleaning standards, decorations once a month cleaning, cleaning after inspection without stains, dust. 62

(7) Glass windows, door cleaning standard 62

(viii) Basement cleaning standard 62

Fifth, cleaning emergency plan 62

First, the customer broke the items after emergency treatment 63

Second, the customer vomited after emergency treatment 63

Third, dirty rainwater wells, pipes, septic tanks blocked emergency treatment 63

Iv. Rainy weather emergency response 63

V. The handling of reactionary slogans found in public places

6. Emergency services for alcoholism and trouble 65

Chapter 7  Equipment and Facilities Management

First, equipment safe operation management program 65

Second, power supply system management program 66

(i) Achieving the objective measure 66 to reduce interference

(ii) Measures to prevent major safety accidents 66

Third, weak power and automation system management program 67

Fourth, lighting system management program 68

V. Ventilation System Management Program 68

Fire system management program 68

Seven, elevator system management program 69

Eight, water supply and drainage system management program 71

Nine, the common supporting facilities management program 75

10. Common Facilities Management Program 75

XI. Equipment and facilities system failure and accident emergency disposal plan 76

(1) Emergency treatment process for power distribution system 76

(ii) Disposal of the automatic air switch tripping of the distribution cabinet 77

(iii) Disposal in the event of flooding in the substation room 77

(4) Elevator Rescue Procedure 78

Chapter 8  Reception and Conference Management

(a) Pre-conference preparations 81

(b) Service work during the session 82

(iii) Finishing and inspection work after the conclusion of the meeting 84

Chapter 9  Network Management

I. Facilities:84

The post responsibilities of the head of the network:85

Security guard post responsibilities:86

The post responsibilities of the Qingwei personnel 87

Second, the promotion program 90

Chapter 10  Emergency Plan

First, the business hall during the business period in the robbery emergency plan 90

Second, the business office customer theft contingency plan 93

Third, the door of the business hall found suspicious persons and suspicious vehicles emergency plan 93

Fourth, the evening business district, office area theft emergency plan 94

V. Emergency plan for power outages in business premises 94

Emergency plan for natural disasters (fire, flood, earthquake, etc.) 94

Seven, monitoring system failure contingency plan 95

Eight, the customer suffered personal injury emergency plan 95

Nine, customer emergency plan for sudden illness 96

Ten, pick quarrels and trouble incident emergency plan 96

Xi1, in case of mental disorder or drunk in the business hall trouble contingency plan. 97

12. Emergency plan for food poisoning incidents in staff canteens 97

Thirteen, fire emergency plan 97

Chapter 11  Concluding


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