Key points of checking and examining construction contracts of construction projects 建设工程施工合同,明确施工方与发包方之间 read more»
The difference between public bidding, competitive negotiation, and competitive consultation 一、成交原则: 公开招标: 招标人以招标 read more»
What conditions must be met by the subject of an invitation to tender? 1、根据《工程建设项目施工招标投标办法》 read more»
What records and documents should be formed from project initiation to completion acceptance? 工程准备阶段文件 一、立项文件1、项目建 read more»
There are 45 common problems in price disputes of decoration projects 一、实际施工人员 1. 自然人作为实际施 read more»
Construction organization design of super high-rise tower urban complex 该项目汇集五星级酒店、企业CEO行政公馆 read more»
The division of single project, unit project, division project, and sub-project 01、地基与基础(分部工程) 子分部工程 read more»