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City Property Company Safety Management Manual (full set)

Safety Management Manual for Listed Property Companies

Responsibilities of the Environmental Management Department of the Community

Community Environmental Management Manager Responsibilities

Responsibilities of the Department of Community Environmental Management I

Responsibilities of the Department of Community Environmental Management II

Responsibilities of the Department of Community Environmental Management III

The duties of the Director of Security of the Management Service

The duties of the Management Service escort leader

The duties of the Security Foreman of the Management Service

The duties of a security guard in the Management Service

The right of the guard to work

Guards are forbidden to act

The guard’s code of ethics

Guard discipline

Etiquette specifications of the appearance of the instrument

Etiquette norms of speech and manners

Etiquette norms to receive people to treat things

Etiquette norms Etiquette and manners

Management procedures lobby post management procedures

Management procedures Daokou post management procedures

Management procedures for the field post management procedures

Public safety residential area theft prevention

Public safety commercial building theft prevention

Public safety industrial plant theft prevention

Public safety school campus theft prevention

Public safety parking management

Security technology to prevent anti-theft alarm system

Security technology to prevent access control systems

Security technology to prevent electronic patrol system

Safety technology to prevent CCTV monitoring system

Security service management agency preparation settings

Security services management escort supervisor routine work system

Security transaction management out-of-office management regulations

Security Services Management Emergency Response Unit Management Regulations

Security transaction management provisioning regulations

Security service management tolerance service management regulations

Provisions for the granting of training subsidies for security services management

Security transaction management system installation management regulations

Security affairs management shift system

Security services management dormitory management regulations

Security transaction management intercom usage regulations

Physical training assessment score criteria

Physical training assessment score sheet

Double throw water dragon belt assessment score sheet

Training subsidy payment form

Case / Incident Report Form

Emergency collection inspection record sheet

Night check record sheet

Inspection record sheet

The duty record form

Visit registration form

The registration form for important mail

Surveillance video uses a record keeping form

Control Center Duty Record Form

A registration form for personal items

Card issuance registration form

Intercom usage registration form

Registration form for temporary vehicle entry

Temporary vehicle exit registration form

Vehicle inspection record sheet

Cardless vehicle off-site registration form

Cardless vehicle release registration

Day shift income statistics table

Leave of absence

Manpower support co-ordination list

Provisioning application form

Advance the security management personnel appointment approval form

Talent Reserve Application Form

The list of escorts rated as promotion assessors

Small items of the owner are removed from the registration form

The operator moves out of the item registration form

Items are removed from the register

Move in and out of the registration form

Anti-theft alarm system detection record sheet

Inspection check record sheet

Inspection temporary incident disposition record sheet


Some of the above pictures and information are from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author and his company; this article is for study and research purposes only and cannot be used for commercial purposes. If this article infringes your rights, please contact us to delete; some articles The original author could not be contacted due to various reasons during the push. If copyright issues are involved, the original author is kindly requested to contact us and deal with it immediately.

Classification of management and technical articles