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Cost control | the impact of the project’s land survey report on building planning

Cost control | the impact of the project’s land survey report on building planning

The condition analysis missed in the construction plan affects the cost and time of the project

Structural changes in the architectural design industry

With the rapid development of the real estate industry demand and the time requirements for the project landing, the architectural design institute is also constantly optimizing, the technical division of labor more and more detailed, project planning and design, conceptual design, structural design, building drawings deepening design are grouped, by the project design time period control, internal joint analysis and research of the project is not sufficient, or found problems, the previously reported results of the greater impact, the technical staff behind can only smile.

In this regard, now the front-end project manager requirements must be higher and higher, and the rapid pace of the industry development, forcing the industry’s new people to constantly enable, become project design project managers often only understand the front end, the back end will be by the drawings of the various groups to deal with their own, the professional is too little co-discussion, only through the project manager’s interactive communication.

There are many design institutes that are no longer configured back-end professional, construction drawing professional companies emerged, in order to solve the cost and management problems of back-end personnel, the design institute directly uses the form of outsourcing processing, even if the configuration of the person in charge of outsourcing management, but more limited to management, rather than as technical expertise as a pre-support and guidance, but into the back-end management control, the more deflected back-end, the more unable to bring construction to the early stage.

There are many project owners directly dismantled for the two design targets, construction drawing design in the front end of the design is completed, and then take the architectural design results for the construction drawing design tender. The overall design cost is slightly reduced, but for the overall project cost control, this is only a drop in the ocean.

Structural changes in the design industry are to meet and solve the development problems of some companies in the industry, but the technical services of the project need to be more reasonable optimization. Otherwise, this will be seriously flawed for project technical services.

Of course, the owners who have sufficient project experience have found that there are problems in the design industry, and if the value of our comprehensive technical capabilities is realized, we will have additional space for skills development and revenue and will be hired by some projects as project preparation consultants.

The environmental impact of topographic maps and geological maps in building planning

I have taken over the cultural travel project and the hotel destination vacation project, I will ask you to provide us with the most survey reports or topographic maps, geological maps. Many owners are surprised that early as long as the audit planning plan can be, has not yet to the structural drawings of the audit, there is no need to provide for the time being. Other project owners said that when they took over the management of the project, it was not clear whether there was a drawing of the block, they only based on the project’s geographical conditions and the direction of the company’s development to position the project and issued a project planning and design concept.

This is the problem that this article wants to explain with the group of people in the early stages of project planning that will often be missed in the analysis of some conditions. In fact, this may be a prerequisite for affecting whether a project can land. Topographic and geological maps affect the architectural layout of architectural planning, project positioning, and overall plane planning must pay attention to the conditions of the project itself, that is, topographic maps should be one of the important basic conditions of project planning.

Many cultural travel projects and hotel destinations of vacation projects can not be just in addition to the red line is a horse Pingchuan, many mountain projects have to look at the plot of ridges, valleys, saddles, cliffs, land, and other planning and design, which in the topographic map in the isometrical line can obtain important data of the project, even if not to the site survey personnel, can understand some of the basic conditions of the project.

The geological conditions of mountain construction are more complex and diverse, the slope or height difference of the geological rock layer is large, close to the mountain surface, directly affecting the difficulty of the landing of monolithic buildings. Combined with topographic and geological maps, it is possible to achieve the consideration of sunlight and lighting, airflow and ventilation of the project’s monoliths, as well as the reasonable planning of traffic dynamics in the park.

Therefore, in the project planning, it is necessary to make a full analysis of the conditions of the project according to local conditions, which will directly affect the project building space environment and the project natural environment conditions of the full and reasonable combination, to create maximum value for the project.

Cost impact of topographic and geological maps in building planning

The complex conditions of the terrain affect the adjustment and transfer distance of the earthworks of the site, as well as the amount of earthwork in the outer row (or supplement), and through the full analysis of the topographic map, it is possible to estimate the amount of earthwork that needs to be balanced, adjust the distance of the transfer and the multiple transfers that may exist.

Without adequate analysis of the topographic map, many projects may affect the displacement of soil than reasonable planning of the displacement of the earth square balance is larger. There have been projects optimized by “Jianjiangma”,   the amount of earthmoving outside the line reduced by more than 60%, and the number and distance of balanced transshipment are effectively controlled, direct earthmoving costs have been reduced by nearly 30%.

Geological maps have a greater impact on costs, in balancing earthwork, such as involving the excavation of many crustal surface rocks, this is the project planning pre-professional analysis of geological maps caused by insufficient, greatly increasing the difficulty of construction, resulting in a lot of unnecessary project costs and project preparation waste. What is more, the lack of adequate consideration of geological planning, but also the lack of geological understanding of the construction units, the project construction cost miscalculation, and the project milestones seriously affected?

The geology of different locations in the project site directly affects the depth of the pile foundation, the complex geological structure, and the exploration point needs to be increased. If necessary, the exploration company must be required to draw multiple sections, including the density of the section or to adjust the direction of the drawing. Through cross-sectional analysis and adjustment of the reasonable position and mass of the building monomer, the cost of the pile base can be effectively controlled.

Through the different conditions of the geological holding layers buried deep, the project is planned by estimating the base cost of piles by accounting for the comprehensive average carrying capacity. Based on the project experience of the “JianjiangMa”  participants and consultants, the base of the structural pile is deepened by an average of 1 meter, and the cost of the foundation needs to be increased by about 10%.  A project with reasonable and adequate control over this can save 30% or more in base costs.


The different mass, shape, and different geological conditions of different places of the building are not the same. The overall plan of the building carried out by the survey report is to ensure the smooth progress of the project, which plays a decisive or crucial role in the early stage, and often becomes the main reason for the failure and failure of some projects.

Therefore, the study of the geological survey report, to dare to ask questions about the geological map drawn, more to the geological survey unit to inquire and communicate with it, fully demonstrate and verify one by one, to ensure that the early technical research plays a valuable role in the overall preparation of the project.

In addition, the project’s construction costs should be in the project’s construction planning phase of the early stage to start to do a good job of control, rather than blindly in the construction drawing stage or bidding stage to start the structure of the size of rebar, scheduling, and other materials to optimize the amount and materials, although this late optimization is also necessary, this optimization has been limited to a certain framework to do cost optimization, this cost optimization is far from the key to do a good job in the early cost control, Control more effectively and thoroughly.

Therefore, the planners of the cultural travel project and the resort project of the hotel destination must have sufficient awareness of the various stages of the project preparation, a multi-horizontal understanding of the key role of the relevant professional achievements, and a comprehensive improvement of experience and level in the preparatory industry.


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