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Project Entrustment Management
Assist the owner in the management and control of quality, safety, schedule, cost, contract, and information at each stage of the project

Which projects require engineering consulting management?

Nowadays, many engineering construction projects are becoming increasingly complex.For many owners with construction projects(Investors, developers, contractors, construction units), because they do not have theProfessionals (architecture, structure, mechanical and electrical, municipal administration, decoration, cost, design, etc.), or does not have a sufficient number and ability of professionals; many functions exceedOwner’s management capabilities and management scope, it is often necessary for a professional project consulting and management company to send a project manager (and his team) with rich experience in engineering project management to represent the owner in the organization and implementation of the engineering project.Carry out entrusted management and services throughout the entire process or several stages.工程项目委托管理Services includeProject planningproject organizationProject controlProject coordinationProject supervisionProject Acceptancewait.

enterpriseNo need to recruit engineering professionals for the time being: Project supervision, project manager, recruitment manager, professional engineer and other positions (salary,Five insurances and one fundCompensation for severance costs after project completion, etc.) can be entrusted with EICM consulting management,Better reduce enterprise project costs.
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Enterprises that require engineering project consulting and entrusted management usually have the following characteristics:

1. Newly established or inexperienced companies: Newly established companies or companies that lack project management experience may not be familiar with the market environment, industry norms or project management processes. Through consultation and entrusted management, these companies can obtain professional guidance and support and quickly improve their project management capabilities.

2. Enterprises lacking engineering project management talents: Some companies may lack enough engineering project management talents to effectively manage and implement projects. In this case, companies can choose consulting and entrusted management services to make up for the lack of talent.

3. Enterprises with limited resources: For enterprises with limited resources, they may lack the necessary human, material and financial resources to execute large or complex engineering projects. By entrusting it to professional engineering project management companies, they can leverage the resources of these companies to execute the project.

4. The core business of the enterprise is not engineering construction.Lack of professional engineering management personnel and experience;

5. Businesses with busy business: For businesses with busy operations, they may not have sufficient internal resources to manage and execute multiple engineering projects. In this case, it is a good choice to entrust these projects to professional engineering project management companies to ensure that the project proceeds smoothly and achieves the expected goals.

6. Projects requiring quick response:For some projects that require rapid response, companies may need to quickly organize resources and start implementation. By entrusting it to a professional engineering project management company, companies can obtain quick response and efficient project execution.

7. Enterprises pursuing high efficiency and quality:For companies that pursue high efficiency and high quality, they may hope to improve work efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure project quality through professional project management. Consulting and commissioned management can provide professional tools, methods and processes to help companies achieve these goals.

8. Enterprises with large scale and complex business:Large or complex enterprises may face more project management challenges, such as large-scale construction, complex product development, or global operations. These businesses may require professional consulting and commission management services to coordinate and manage multiple projects or business units.

9. Foreign-funded enterprises:Foreign-funded enterprises' engineering projects in China may face various challenges, such as cultural differences, differences in laws and regulations, and unfamiliarity with the market environment. Through engineering project consultation and entrusted management, foreign-funded enterprises can obtain professional guidance and support to ensure the smooth implementation of the project.

11. Enterprises in non-construction industries: Since engineering projects require professional knowledge and skills, companies in non-construction industries may lack the corresponding resources or experience, so they may choose to entrust a professional project management company to manage their projects.
Large enterprises: Large enterprises may choose to entrust engineering project management to better control the quality and progress of the project, and at the same time reduce their own operating costs.

12. Enterprises with fewer engineering projects:For enterprises with fewer engineering projects, entrusting a professional project management company to manage them can ensure coordination between projects and effective use of resources.

To sum up, companies that need engineering project consulting and entrusted management are usually those that lack experience, talent, quality standards or economic benefits. By choosing professional consulting and entrusted management services, these enterprises can obtain better project management guidance and support, improve project success rates, and achieve better business results.

The pain points of the owners (investors, developers, developers, construction units) of construction projects

No experience in project investment, no grasp of the specific implementation of the project, no experience in construction application, no experience in the project management systems, no relevant departments of project management, unfamiliar with the project process, no experience in engineering design, worried about the design company, no experience in project contract management, no experience in project procurement, no experience in project cost, quotation trap, Later increase the majority of projects, no engineering construction experience, worry about the construction team cheat, no project acceptance experience, the project is too small to please the third party supervision units, finally can only listen to the general contractor he said how to do it, we split up

Managers who do not have engineering expertise, such as construction, design, structure, mechanical and electrical, municipal, decoration, cost, intelligence, etc., or engineering professionals who do not have sufficient quantity and ability; Multiple functions are beyond the management capacity and scope of the owner

1. Temporarily set up project departments and personnel

A single project, temporary, after completion? Project management personnel severance pay, etc., is difficult to manage, and the cost is larger

2. Enlist the help of a friend or acquaintance

The project involves more professionals, the project cycle is long, is not a dog friend, how many also pay a fee, can not concentrate on

3. Find a friend of a friend to build

You don't understand, the project is uncertain, for profit, no standards, no process, no supervision, wrangling, burnout, etc

Consult and manage the relationship with the owner and participating parties

The project management services provided by EICM usually include consulting services in the early stage of the project and management services during the implementation. In concrete implementation, the responsibilities and services of the project management company are extensive and flexible, mainly according to the contract with the owner. PM companies generally do not sign contracts with contractors, only responsible for management, coordination, and supervision:

The advantages of project consulting management?

The core of engineering project management is to add value to the project on the premise of ensuring the realization of the use function. The work of a management company is a kind of value-added service work. Its increment is mainly manifested in two aspects.

Ensure the safety of the project construction, ensure the quality of the project construction, ensure the project investment control, ensure the project duration target, ensure that the process is in accordance with the law, and ensure the use of the function.

Ensure the safe use of the project, the project is conducive to environmental protection, the project is conducive to energy saving, is conducive to reducing the cost of use, is conducive to extending the life of the project, is conducive to property maintenance, and management.

Engineering management consulting does not usually make decisions itself, but it can bridge the gap between the responsibilities and capabilities of decision-makers. According to the entrustment of decision-makers, consultants make use of their own knowledge, experience, and survey data to provide decision-makers with one or more scientific and reasonable alternative suggestions or schemes, so as to reduce decision-making errors. Decision-makers here can be government agencies at all levels, enterprise leaders, or owners of specific construction projects.

Due to the one-off nature of construction projects and the numerous complex management tasks involved in their implementation, owners are often unable to manage themselves. PM company and personnel have professional knowledge and experience in this aspect, they are responsible for the management of the project implementation process, can timely discover and deal with the problems, greatly improve the efficiency and effect of the project implementation process management, reduce management errors, so as to ensure the smooth implementation of the project.

PM companies tend to concentrate a certain number of engineering experts, engineering technicians, and project managers, with a large amount of information, knowledge, experience, and advanced technology, who can at any time according to the needs of owners provide information and technical services, to make up for the lack of owners in engineering technology and information

Design management is the most critical link in the process of project construction. The quality of design work directly determines the final quality level of the project, and also determines the order degree and cost level of the project implementation. Any flaw in the design will be expanded and amplified in the planning, construction, and operation, resulting in greater errors and losses. In view of this, PM company can make use of its own professional experience to effectively control the design scheme, technical scheme, construction drawings, etc., so as to ensure that the project achieves the effective unity of "functional quality, cost, duration, and safety" on the premise of satisfying the use of functions.

Excellent team

In general, the organizational structure of the project management team should meet at least the following requirements (ultimately determined by the delegation model).

1. Abilities required by the manager of project Management Department: have certain technical foundation and business technical ability; Strong organization, coordination and control, analysis and decision-making, expression and strain, social skills.

2. Project submission team: 1 to 2 people, familiar with project management workflow, master application procedures, strong coordination, expression and social skills.

3. Engineering technology group: it shall be composed of technical personnel specialized in architecture, structure, HVAC, water supply and drainage, electrical, intelligent building, etc., with design experience or familiar with design management.

4. Recruitment and contract management team: 2 to 3 people, familiar with the construction process of the project, bidding and contract laws and regulations, strong organization, expression and social skills.

5. Investment control group: composed of civil engineering, plumbing, electrical cost personnel, should have strong coordination and control, analysis and expression ability.

6. Planning and coordination group: 2 members. Should be familiar with engineering construction process, should have strong organization and coordination, strain and control ability.

7. Integrated Administration Group: 2 to 3 people, consisting of data and information management personnel and other personnel. Data and information management personnel should be familiar with the construction process and data management regulations.

Five major project management processes

Starting the process, planning process, implementation process, monitoring process, the closing process

Ten big project management system

Project integration management, project scope management, project schedule management, project cost management, project quality management, project resource management, project communication management, project risk management, project procurement management, project-related party management, PMP project management

With the application of green environmental protection, low carbon, and energy-saving concepts in the construction industry, the connotation of the project cost has changed from the past construction cost to the "full cycle cost" including operation cost and maintenance cost. Therefore, an experienced PM company should not only calculate the construction cost, but also take into account the safety, quality, function, operation cost, maintenance, and repair cost of the project, and strive to achieve "optimal cost in the whole cycle" when estimating the cost target.

It is the duty of every project builder to consciously safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the state, the collective, and the parties involved. The managers of PM companies are generally professionals engaged in project management all year long. They are familiar with and understand national and local laws, regulations, and working procedures related to construction projects. Therefore, they can effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of violations of laws, disciplines, and regulations, and ensure the realization of construction projects under the sun.

The main points of construction quality control of foreign management companies are different from us, especially the design of European and American countries compared with our country, which seems quite conservative, even in our opinion is waste, in the choice of equipment and materials to adopt famous brand as far as possible. The idea is that well-known companies should and will honor contracts with good faith, rather than cut corners in bad faith.

They put far less effort into quality control than we do, but that doesn't mean they don't care about quality. They also pay more attention to some small things, pay more attention to appearance, and hate the destruction of finished products.

Generally in the early stage of construction, the progress of the project is as fast as possible. When faced with adverse factors, it tries to increase the investment in exchange for the construction period. For example, it is difficult to guarantee the quality of backfill soil on rainy days, and gravel backfill is used, requiring contractors to increase additional labor and equipment.

They will put forward specific requirements on the contractor's labor force, etc. When the contractor is unable to complete the required work according to the quality and schedule requirements, they will entrust a third party to complete the work, and the required cost will be directly deducted from the contractor's project expenses without his consent, which is inconceivable to us.

The foreign management company is responsible for the owner, but it has great power over the project cost and has the right to decide on the project change fee and progress payment. The contractor only has to deal with the management company and does not have to go through the owner. Of course, the management company will negotiate with the owner, especially when it comes to large funds, to get the owner's support.

Each management company has its own construction safety management manual, most of the use of graphic form of scaffolding erection, hoisting, safe electricity, air work, flammable and toxic gas use and labor protection made detailed provisions.

Its safety management engineers also have more power. For example, the safety director of KVAERNER in the UK works independently from other departments of the project. If the safety does not meet the requirements, he can stop the construction, demand a stop-work fine, and even expel the units or individuals who violate the regulations from the site. I'm afraid we're going to have a pretty hard time doing that.

Most of the contracts of management companies have the shadow of the terms of the FIDIC contract, and some are completely copied. Their engineers have a strong sense of contract and attach great importance to contract management. Their contracts are as detailed as possible. In addition to their rights and obligations, their contracts also list as detailed as possible the scope of work, specifications, and acceptance standards, some of which are higher than our national standards.
