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Functional indicators | the hotel lobby to support the functional technical indicators of space

Functional indicators | the hotel lobby to support the functional technical indicators of space

When designing the hotel lobby, it is necessary to plan the area of its support space in a specific and reasonable manner

Previously sent about the hotel to the guest area of some functional technical indicators of the article, many friends reflect that they have a great help, really opened their understanding of the hotel functional indicators, the hotel space area planning has a new understanding, and hope that  “Jianjiangma”  can be added to the hotel backfield and hotel-related support space functional technical indicators as soon as possible.

I am very pleased to have been recognized by the group and thank the group for their continued support.

Although the hotel backfield and hotel-related support space is not directly for the hotel revenue space, these spaces will directly affect the normal operation of the hotel. When not configured, it can affect the hotel’s service system to the guest area and the efficiency of the hotel staff. Affects the guest’s experience in the hotel, the quality of the hotel, the staff labor cost, etc., and thus indirectly affects the hotel’s revenue.

“Jianjiangma”  will still be “legal theory”  and the group to explore the data, easy for the group to better understand and apply, in the work of the project can also be flexible use.

The hotel public area support space directly affects the service and hotel-quality of the hotel public area, previously, “Jianjiangma”  has been in a special article about the hotel’s various functional spaces need those support space and its importance, etc., the article will not be repeated at this stage. This phase of “Jianjiangma”  will be described directly from the hotel lobby to support the function of the technical indicators of the space calculation method.

First, the hotel lobby lounge area to support the functional technical indicators of space

High-end projects in the hotel lobby generally need to set up a service room for the lobby lounge area services to support, mainly for guests in the hotel lobby to provide tea and hot towels.

Can also be provided by the lobby bar, but the lobby bar is a toll area, the seating area is a free area, which needs to do a good job of charging and management programs. (In this case, the lobby bar front and backfield need to be assigned to the front office management, although it seems to optimize the capital, the management of the warehousing, data, etc. also has to increase a certain cost).

The service room in the hotel lobby should have a refreshment operator’s station about 2 meters long to meet the needs of 1 employee to operate the product, and the hotel in the reception group should consider the operating space to meet 2 employees to ensure the speed of production.

The area function index of the hotel lobby service room is: the number of employees operating N x 3 to 4.  (i.e. 1 x 3 to 4 square feet; when considering a reception group:2 x 3 to 4 x 6 to 8 square.) )

Second, the hotel front office and the front office manager’s office functional technical indicators

The hotel front office is an integrated service department, in addition to the general desk to handle guest Check-in, Check out and storage, consultation, in advance, in the event, after the incident, all need staff for the general desk to handle the work after the desk. This requires the setting up of the front office and acting as the hotel’s main room. (Generally processed transactions should include the handling of guest inquiries and confirmations, hotel room reservations, catering, meetings, etc., and room center service coordination.) )

High-end hotels, depending on the hotel’s different grades, and the depth of service content, the front office needs to be configured the number of staff is also different. If guests need to rent a car, the hotel is to provide a car rental company way, by the guest to purchase a separate service, or by the hotel directly to undertake this service.

The hotel lobby office typically employs 4 to 6 employees per 100 hotel rooms, and for every 50 additional hotel rooms, an additional 1(N)employee is required, with 2.5 to 3.5 employees per employee  Square office space is calculated.

The area function index of the hotel lobby office is: (4to6 plus N)

Hotel lobby manager’s room, mainly to deal with major disputes between hotel guests, to avoid in the hotel lobby and other public areas to deal with guest disputes affect other hotel guests, to avoid affecting the normal operation of the hotel.

The hotel front office manager’s room 1 room, mainly dealing with major disputes of hotel guests, generally set up a middle-class office desk and a set of 3-1 or 2 sofas, consider 18 to 21 square.

Both functional spaces are spaces in the hotel’s front office, and in order to facilitate support for the hotel’s front office and temporary replenishment of staff in the front office, they should be located next to the hotel service desk.

Added that many mid-range brands of hotels, according to the brand positioning, the front office service content is limited, has canceled the front office and mainframe room, all front office services, and services are concentrated in the service desk to complete.

Third, the hotel common area cleaning room area function indicators are:

There is a minimum of 1 cleaning room in the common areas of the hotel, and different building areas (on different floors or in different buildings) need to be set up. The cleaning room needs to consider the ground towing pool, ground towing, cloth hanging, cleaning the pool, cleaning supplies rack, etc.

The area functional index of the cleaning room is:1 x 3 to 5 square meters

Even if the cleaning room has a large support space and more than one employee, only 1 employee is required to enter the cleaning room.

Fourth, the hotel front office warehouse area function indicators are:

When space in the lobby area of the hotel allows (some corner space near the backfield support space), the front office warehouse is set up for direct access by the front office.

The front office warehouse typically takes into account about 10 square feet of space per 100 hotel rooms, adding 4 square feet to each additional 50 hotel room.   

The area function index of the front office warehouse is:10 plus N x 4 square meters

The front office warehouse can also be set up in the hotel’s backyard area, which requires the front office to receive the right amount of spare items from the office.

V. The functional indicators of the area of the hotel’s public health room are:

Hotel public toilets are different from other commercial spaces of public toilets, high-end hotel public toilets are one of the images of the hotel, often a hotel grade, service, health quality, and management level can be seen in the hotel’s public health room some doorways.

Public toilet spaces in the support lobby of high-end hotels are generally considered at the peak capacity of the lobby, with a ratio of 6:4for men and women. Men’s toilets are set up with 1 toilet for 25 people, 1 urinal for 50 people,  at least 2 for each person, and 15 for women   1 toilet, at least 2 is good.

The peak capacity of the lobby: number of hotel rooms: 1.5 x 0.4

Number of toilets in men’s toilets – Number of people in the lobby – 0.6/25(with more than 1)

A number of men’s toilet urinals: Number of lobby s 0.6/50(residual 1).

The area function index of the men’s bathroom is: the number of lobby people: 0.6/25 x 4 plus the number of lobby people . . . 0.6/50 x 2 square meters

Number of toilets in women’s toilets – Number of lobby s.4/15(with more than 1)

The area function index of the women’s bathroom is: the number of lobby people 

The public toilet in the hotel lobby is the most frequent cleaning space, should be set up a special cleaning room or personnel as a good, can also be used to support the hotel lobby or other common area space, but the distance of the service line is generally not recommended more than 50 meters. Detailed functional technical indicators are detailed above.

Sixth, the hotel lobby of other functional technical indicators

Hotel ATMs, if considered, generally need to reserve 2 units, need to consider the atm internal maintenance and operating space of 2 meters depth, the guest area needs to consider the operation of private space, each device needs to consider a total of 5 to 6 square. That is:

The area function index of the hotel ATM is:2 x 5 to 6 square meters

In addition, the hotel business center can be calculated by office space, boutiques, and so on by commercial space calculation. If necessary, it can be considered by the hotel lobby peak capacity of 5% to 10%.  


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