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Hotel Design – Some of the support functions and support spaces that are often overlooked in high-end hotels

Hotel Design – Some of the support functions and support spaces that are often overlooked in high-end hotels
Hotel exposure problems are mostly caused by some support functions or support space negligence, many diagnosed as the hotel’s pre-design of the hard injury

Regarding the design of support functions or support spaces for hotel design, the contents of this stage are basically introduced to the important functional spaces of public areas. ” Jianjiang Ma ” intends to use this article to briefly improve and supplement the contents of the public section, and to describe the support functions and support spaces in the guest room area.

Some additions to the support space and its support functions in the functional space of the hotel area

Previous articles on the hotel’s front yard of the public area, but also received some friends’ advice. Many friends asked about the need for accessible toilets in various public restrooms.

For barrier-free toilets, star-rated hotels, public toilets in the lobby must be configured, otherwise, they cannot pass the star requirements. In addition, other functional spaces in the public areas have large reception services, such as conference centers, banquets, and public toilets in large dining centers, which are also equipped with barrier-free toilets.

And do not need to rate the small size of high-end boutique hotels, you can consider lobby settings can be, but also according to the precise group positioning of the hotel brand does not consider the settings. However, if the hotel has a restaurant or banquet hall equipped with external, especially the hotel with the function of receiving a wedding banquet (including small), wedding banquet will inevitably need to receive elders with reduced mobility, which is inevitable. And when the wedding reception is held, all the support staff (including the organizer’s support staff and hotel attendants) are busy. Therefore, the public restrooms in this functional area must also be set up with barrier-free toilets and, as far as possible, the same layer.

In addition, some friends asked whether the bride’s lounge in the ballroom is configured as necessary. Can I set it up without configuration or without considering the near setting (wrong layer settings)?

“Jianjiangma”  is here for everyone to reply together. As a banquet hall for wedding receptions, the bridal room must be configured. Did you ever see the bride cool in the banquet hall when you were at the wedding party? Even Western-style banquets, in Chinese custom, when elders go to see the bride, a few words of blessing together is indispensable.

During the wedding banquet, the bride is to change the dress and attend the banquet toast, even if there is a bride’s room, and not near the setting is very inconvertible.

Some friends may be at the wedding reception, the bride’s room is in the hotel suite on the hotel floor rest. Don’t think it’s good or reasonable, it’s wrong to think you can still charge an extra suite for the hotel’s operations. This is the banquet hall did not configure the bride’s room helpless action, the bride’s exertion in this will be more serious, escorts will continue to vomit.

This is the feedback that our operating colleagues bring back from the front line, is the first-line sales staff is forced to do, this hotel suite is to be distributed in the sale, and there is no configuration of the bride room function of the banquet hall to undertake the wedding banquet, is to sell at a low price, and is not competitive.

Designers often in banquets and other large space next to the reluctance to join the bride room occupied space, in order to space planning, space performance ignored the importance of function, so that the banquet hall to undertake wedding banquets hard injury.

The functional space of the public area and its support space are introduced here.

Support space for hotel rooms and their support functions

The support space and support functions of the hotel rooms will be started below. Room support is not complicated, but it is critical.

The support of the hotel room area is often easily overlooked by the design unit, and this problem is likely to be inherited by the architectural design. Interior space design consultant in the design of the room floor, the design does not configure the hotel room floor service room is there? Is there a service room for less configuration? Think less service room and more than a few hotel rooms are there?

The service room on the hotel room floor is an important support space for the room, and the lack or inadequate configuration of this function will become an important after-the-fact problem of the hotel.

From time to time we hear bad reports about the hotel. Or say that a hotel is exposed to wipe toilets and cups with towels, do not change sheets, do not wash toilets or even a rag wipe throughout the room, and so on.

I can tell you very sincerely, it’s not about what star hotel, what price hotel, the hotel that has been exposed to this kind of problem, it is recommended not to stay. Really, this is more of a hotel’s hard injury, not necessarily the service training mechanism out of the problem, not necessarily the hotel management mechanism out of the problem, not necessarily the quality of hotel staff out of the problem, not to mention in the short term can solve the problem.

Why does “Jianjiangma”  dare to say so? In fact, the more high-end hotels, high-priced hotels, hotel room staff are more concerned about their jobs. Because such a hotel pays no less than other hotels, and they are more close to hiring aunts to receive training on the job, they need this job, care about the job.

That’s why, when there’s not enough support space on the hotel room floor, the more they care about the job, the more they make such mistakes. There is no service room on the room floor, no cloth room (cloth and grass secondary warehouse), washroom or cloth recycling area. A room attendant pushed the cloth cart can load the room items are limited, she can do, it is impossible to keep from the room floor to the cloth warehouse fold back, after all, the task is there.

Who’s to blame? The root cause, is the hotel preparation stage buried the curse. As the hotel’s planners, it is important that we eliminate this scourge during the design phase. Hotel service rooms on the level of the rooms must be fully equipped and functional.

This makes it easy for employees to do housing work, but also saves human costs. Such as the service room configuration is not fully equipped hotels, and like fully-equipped hotels to give staff the same task of doing room to control labor costs, those problems will only be exposed that day.

The service room on the room floor is an important support space for the room floor, so what functions does the service room consist of?

Room service is available in the room:

Grass rooms, disinfection rooms and recycling areas, cleaning utensils and staff toilets, room service control office.

Cleaning utensils room and staff bathroom can not use each layer set, according to the size of each layer, compartment settings or multi-layer settings can be. Room service control is usually only one location unless the resort’s room area is located far away and the room area requires zoning management to consider multiple settings. The sterilizing room operator’s station in the service room on a certain floor can be added about 1 meter long as the main console.

Hotel rooms with too many floors, in order to control costs, such as ice machines, ice crushers, and other equipment can be partitioned, or multi-layer set. Because the room needs ice, etc., it needed to be delivered separately, and the supply frequency is not high, allowing for reduction of configuration.

While the toilet double-slot or multi-slot star disk (at least cleaning pool, soaking pool), hot water heater, hot and cold tap, disinfection cabinet, cool cup mat, cool cup holder, and other basic anti-toxic equipment, each room floor disinfection room must be equipped.  

If you want the hotel not to make such mistakes. These critical support functions must be adequately configured and must be carefully demonstrated, such as equipment that needs to be subtracted for cost reasons. Hope that this article can let our hotel planning people handle the project, can put an end to the hotel is often exposed to such health problems, at the source.


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