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Industrial park property management system template

Part 1 Canteen management: … 4~28

1, canteen staff service etiquette norms

2, canteen health management system

3, canteen production and processing process

4, canteen kitchen equipment use system

5, canteen warehouse management

6, canteen hygiene and equipment management penalties regulations

Part II Engineering Hydropower Management 28to47

1, emergency plan for sudden power outages

2, elevator management system

3, elevator trapped people emergency plan

4, liquefied gas leakage emergency plan

5, high-voltage electrician safety procedures

6, engineering maintenance operation form

Part III Greening Management 47to48

1, software park greening management system

Part IV Campus Environmental Health Management 49to59

1, cleaning staff behavior norms

2, cleaning tool management regulations

3, cleaning staff reward and punishment system

4, clean health service standards

5, cleaning operation form

Part V Park Order Management 59to100

1, order maintenance team members work behavior norms

2, order maintenance shift system

3, park order maintenance team reward and punishment provisions

4, theft, bandit police emergency plan

5, the emergency plan to find the situation of the fight

6, fire emergency plan

7, fire emergency operating procedures

8, lost property treatment emergency plan

9, order maintenance of common emergency plans

10,order maintenance operation form

Part 6 Park Fire Management 100to105

1, fire safety education, training system

2, fire inspection inspection system

3, safe evacuation facilities management system

4, fire-fighting facilities, equipment maintenance management system

5, fire hazard rectification system

6, with fire, electricity safety management system

7, the obligation of fire brigade organization management system

8, fire extinguishing and emergency evacuation planning exercise system

Part VII Property Public Management Regulations and Customer Service Management 105to120

1, environmental and health management regulations

2, vehicle management regulations

3, elevator use system

4, the provisions of public security management

5, property lessee fire safety management regulations

6, decoration management regulations

7, software technology industrial park apartment management regulations

8, software park decoration construction, public security management responsibility

9, fire safety responsibility agreement

10,property complaints management system

Eight, property file management 120to132

Software Park property file establishment and management system


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