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Property management projects

Work for the full set of operating procedures

Chapter 1 Text of The Pre-Property Management Standards

01-001 Example of the outline standard for property tenders

01-002 Pre-Property Management Services Contract

01-003 Example of standard property management solutions

Chapter 2 The text of the admission management standard

02-001 Join notification

02-002 What to know about joining

02-003 What to know about the closing of the building

02-004 Building Admission Notice

02-005 Building Admission Notice

02-006 House inspection (paved) book

02-007 Room (Shop) Handover Book

02-008 Check-in (Rent) Agreement

02-009 Entry Statement

02-010 Check-in Certificate

02-011 Notice of Payment for Joining The Partnership

02-012 Commissioned Bank Collection Agreement

Chapter 3 The standard text of business management

03-001 Regulations of the Residential Owners’ Council

03-002 Convention on Residential Owners

03-003 Household Manual

03-004 Owners (residents) should know

03-005 Convention on Spiritual Civilization

03-006 Standard example of office decoration manual

03-007 Letter of Responsibility for the Safety of the Renovation Engineering Team

03-008 Renovation Notes

03-009 Residential Management Fee Collection Agreement

03-010 Notice of Collection of Rent

03-011 Residential Housing Warranty Expiration Notice

03-012 Residential housing warranty expired residents signed a letter of recognition

03-013 Suspended Elevator Service Notice

03-014 Temporarily close the trash can notification

03-015 Exterior wall repair cleaning notice

03-016 Suspended Household Gas Supply Notice

03-017 Suspended household power supply notice

Chapter 4 Property Acceptance and Takeover Management Standards Chart

04-001 Proposed Property Inspection Form

04-002 Property Statistics Table

04-003 House Takeover Acceptance Form

04-004 House Takeover Acceptance Legacy Statistics Table

04-005 Public facilities take over the acceptance form

04-006 Public facilities take over the acceptance of legacy statistics table

04-007 Building Takeover Information Transfer List

Chapter 5 Chart of Business Management Standards

05-001 Household occupancy management process

05-002 Owners (residents) check-in

05-003 Key issue registration form

05-004 Key Loan / Look at the room registration form

05-005  Owner/Tenant Registration Form

05-006 Entry information sign-off form

05-007 Owner (Resident) Check-in Form

05-008 Owner (Household) Family Registration Form

05-009 Home Warranty Registration Form

05-010 Business Maintenance Order

05-011 Property Repair Report Sheet

05-012 Repair (Service) Work Order

05-013 Service (Service) Summary

05-014 Rework Application Form

05-015 Household Home Maintenance Record Card

05-016 Interior decoration program

05-017 Business renovation management process

05-018 Renovation file establishment process

05-019 Renovation Application Form

05-020 Residential Renovation Approval Form

05-021 Interior Decoration Approval Form

05-022 Renovation construction personnel registration form

05-023 Temporary grounds pass

05-024 Use of an open flame permit

05-025 Construction permit

05-026 Registration form for decoration procedures

05-027 Renovation Acceptance Form

05-028 Pass issued, recovery registration form

05-029 Violation Notice

05-030 Processing violation record form

05-031 Day Inspection Record

05-032 Application form for rental of housing

05-033 Real Estate Lease Transfer List

05-034 Rental Housing Registration Form

05-035 Inventory of Property Rights

05-036 Rental Inventory

05-037 Property Lease Transfer List

05-038 Application form for water (electricity) for (stop) water

05-039 Temporary Power Plan Application Form

05-040 Travel Strips

05-041  Owner/Tenant Complaint Handling Registration Form

05-042 Household Satisfaction Rate Statistics Table

Chapter 6 Safety and Emergency Management Standards Chart

06-001 Job Placement Form

06-002 Security shift schedule

06-003 Security Duty Record Form

06-004 Visit Registration Form

06-005 Security Work Schedule

06-006 Security patrol check-in card

06-007 Community Patrol Record Form

06-008 Building Patrol Record Form

06-009 Monitor’s Inspection Record Form

06-010 Security Diary

06-011 Security Work Week Checklist

06-012 Security Work Monthly Checklist

06-013 Security Training Assessment Form

06-014 Security leave report

06-015 Registration form for the report of a public security case

06-016 Fire Center Duty Record

06-017 Fire Patrol Record Form

06-018 Volunteer Firefighter List

06-019 Fire Drill Record Form

06-020 Indoor Security Alarm Emergency Response Process

06-021 Emergency Response Process

06-022 Emergency Response Process for Policing

06-023 Fire, Fire Emergency Response Process

06-024 Elevator emergency response process for trapped people

06-025 Flood emergency treatment process

06-026 Emergency treatment process for water and power outages

Chapter 7 Chart of Cleaning and Greening Management Standards

07-001 List of cleaning equipment and facilities

07-002 Cleaner Job Schedule

07-003 Cleaning class schedule

07-004 Waste clearance service quality record

07-005 Cell Indoor Cleaning Day Checklist

07-006 Outdoor Cleaning Day Checklist

07-007 Kill quality of service inspection table

07-008 Cleaning workday checklist

07-009 Greening Org Chart

07-010 Greening Management Process

07-011 Green List

07-012 Greener Job Schedule

07-013 Green Class Schedule

07-014 Greening Workday Checklist

07-015 Green Conservation Monthly Inspection Form

Chapter 8 Chart of Standards for the Management of Community Cultural Activities

08-001 List of community activities facilities and equipment

08-002 Community Activity Program Return

08-003 Registration form for community activities

08-004 Community Activity Record, Quality Checklist

08-005 Cleaning workday checklist for cultural and recreational activities center

08-006 Swimming Pool Cleaning Workday Checklist

08-007 Swimming Field Work Record Form

08-008 Swimming pool purification, disinfection inspection record sheet

08-009 Tennis Court Reservations

08-010 Paid Service Registration Form for Recreation And Recreation Center

08-011 Community Activity Staff Job Placement Form

08-012 Schedule of Cultural and Recreational Activities Center

Chapter 9 Facility Equipment Management Standards Chart

09-001 Utility maintenance and maintenance process

09-002 List of public facilities

09-003 Utility regularly checks the item list

09-004 List of regular maintenance items for utilities

09-005 Regular inspection of the utility record sheet

09-006 Utility Maintenance Schedule

09-007 Public facility maintenance approval record

09-008 Public facilities supporting the improvement of the project declaration record

09-009 Public facilities repair and maintenance records

09-010 Automotive Gate Monthly Maintenance Record

09-011 Public Antenna System Month Maintenance Record

09-012 Anti-Theft Monitoring System Monthly Maintenance Record

09-013 Intercom Alarm System Month Maintenance Record

09-014 Anti-theft alarm intercom phone maintenance record

09-015 Security CCTV maintenance records

09-016 List of devices

09-017 Equipment ledger

09-018 Device Identification Card

09-019 Equipment Maintenance Schedule

09-020 Equipment (Tools) External Committee Repair Application Form

09-021 Equipment Repair Record

09-022 Equipment Inspection Maintenance Schedule

09-023 Equipment Maintenance Record Sheet

09-024 Equipment Incident Report Sheet

09-025 Fault Report Sheet

09-026 Basic Condition Record Form for Electrical and Mechanical Equipment

09-027 Parts replacement and overhaul records

09-028 Watch Record Form

09-029 Operating ticket

09-030 Electrical and Mechanical Installation and Maintenance Engineering Department Weekly Inspection Form

09-031 Distribution room, pump room inspection record

09-032 Dry Transformer Maintenance Record

09-033 Generator quarterly maintenance record

09-034 Power distribution cabinet, control cabinet maintenance records

09-035 Power distribution cabinet maintenance work ticket

09-036 Generator operating record

09-037 Elevator Day Tour Record

09-038 Elevator maintenance record

09-039 Elevator fault repair registration form

09-040 Elevator Maintenance Monthly Assessment Form

09-041 Central Control Room Shift Record

09-042 Air conditioning operating record sheet

09-043 Air conditioning pump operation record

09-044 Air conditioning shutdown notice

09-045 Central air conditioning system operating record

09-046 Air conditioning month maintenance record

09-047 Fan half-year maintenance record

09-048 Water supply system inspection maintenance records

09-049 Table of working schedules for washing and disinfecting tanks and tanks

09-050 Pool (box) cleaning and disinfection record sheet

09-051 Pool (box) dosing record

09-052 Semi-annual maintenance record for pump motors

09-053 Pump Monthly Maintenance Record

09-054 Measurement, metering appliance account

09-055 Metering instrument verification plan

09-056 Metering instruments Check the account

09-057 Meter box maintenance record

09-058 Replace meter records

09-059 Replace the water meter record

Chapter 10 Vehicle Management Standard Chart

10-001 Parking (library) fixed parking registration form

10-002 List of vehicle management equipment and facilities

10-003 Vehicle Management Day Checklist

10-004 Motor vehicle access registration form

10-005 Bike access registration form

10-006 Shift Record Form

October-007 card fee registration form


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