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The specific reason for the loss of the project? Is it bidding or process management?

Who lost money on the project? Is it a bid or a project management reason?

We found that many decoration company bosses in the project settlement are almost like a good deal, grab your hand and say to you ” this project is dry again, money did not earn a penny”,” the project is becoming more and more difficult to do. External global economic environment turmoil, epidemic, stock market, and other factors are limiting the development of all walks of life, the internal industry market requirements are also higher and higher, the quality of the project, construction speed, safety management, and other aspects of the new norms and new expectations.


The project should not only seek results but also focus on the process

Many people have to work hard to get through the toughest of times.  To be able to get the project in hand, most of them are “barbaric bidding”, for their ability to undertake the lack of attention. Although some projects make small profits, some brush volume does not lose, but many people found that the original do not make money or small profits of the project to finish but also lose money, hard not to please.

There is a category of people a lot of work arranged on the project has not been completed, the company also arranged other projects, management is lack of skills”, want to do a good job of the project is more difficult, so to a certain extent also affect customer relations,” an old customer equals ten new customers”,  The test of the success of the project is whether the customer is satisfied, but also decorative enterprises rely on the survival of the magic weapon.


The lack of enterprise-strength brings a “fatal”   blow to the enterprise

The most urgent and direct enterprise is to update the concept, improve the overall quality of employees, promote the use of new technology and new technology to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises themselves, if an enterprise has a large number of engineering projects but do not undertake the ability, which is undoubtedly a waste of resources, for enterprises is also very deadly.

In addition, at present, small and medium-sized construction enterprises will more or less have the problem of talent team building, such as business tips scarce water is too large, the shortage of technical personnel in various positions, management personnel team comprehensive strength is not strong, the introduction of talent is difficult to re-charge …


The correct posture for the project should be like this

How to be busy and undisturbed, the work is orderly, need to have a set of effective tools and methodologies, can not only rely on experience, or use the way to deal with the problem, to have a certain degree of foresight and forward-looking, will eliminate difficulties and contradictions in the bud.

(1) Through pre-planning, the whole process of project implementation will be sandboarding, understanding the project’s difficulties, doing a good job of technical research, reserve resources.

(2) In the course of project implementation to be entangled, secondary planning and three planning, to ensure that the project is according to the intended objectives of the implementation.

(3) The completion of the project, do a good job of the project’s re-entry,  the project department full summary of experience and gain or loss, the good experience in the company-wide promotion.

Project “0-100” management system is in different stages of the project, clear the corresponding management actions and requirements, will be implicit knowledge and experience, popularize the use, to achieve project management standardization, project quality “homogenization”.

Decorative items 0-100 the whole process control system

Start preparation phase (phase 0). 

Start the delivery of the bottom. Before the project enters the market to start, organize the marketing bottom, tender bottom, contract bottom, design bottom, and form the closing minutes.

Set goals. According to the contract requirements, the project department to develop quality, management, duration goals, team goals, and form a written document, implemented into the project management planning.

Pre-planning. Combined with the characteristics of the project to develop the project objectives landing measures, list the project focus and difficulties and carry out all-round planning, so that the group efforts, full participation in planning.

Grassroots construction phase (0-30 stages).

Product planning. Productization engineering refers to the project integrated by mass production and processing means.

Deepen the design of the whole process management.

Put the line. The first step, baseline; the second step, horizontal line; the third step, ground line; the fourth step, wall line; the fifth step, top line. Pay attention to the release of lamp positions, air vents, smoke, and other modeling lines and labels, and finally complete the top surface modeling complete line release work.

The whole staff will hand over the bottom. The construction techniques in the middle and late stages before the project are at the bottom.

The model comes first. For large-area construction and acceptance to provide a basis for advanced housing as the benchmark. The switch, socket spray, and other points are combined with a decorative surface layer for forced positioning.

Semi-finished construction. The selection of semi-finished processing sites follows the principles of open space and convenient transportation. Generate a smallpox keel layout and a list of processed dimensions based on the BIM model. According to the smallpox keel layout and processing size list, to achieve in the semi-finished processing area processing ruler hanging board to the site assembly.

Progress management. The key line is the longest-lasting line, the actual progress is advanced or delayed, both have a greater impact on the total duration.

Cost budget management. Business evaluation, manual negotiations, material bidding comparison,

Contract performance management.

The construction of a whole civilization.  To formulate the responsibility of safe production in each post, to formulate a safe production management system, a safe production plan, and to mark the site.

Summarize correction (30 stages).

Mutual check correction. After the completion of the grass-roots seal board, invite company leaders, engineering personnel to check each other on the project, the follow-up surface construction to put forward valuable advice.

Progress correction. Through the total schedule and project image progress comparison, find out the progress deviation, make up for the progress.

Secondary accounting. According to the sign-off price, visa situation, the cost budget is adjusted.

Polygon installation phase (30-80 stages).

Face mount.

Key operations are controlled. There are special requirements for the process or have a greater impact on the next process, or the process is more difficult, the quality is more volatile or quality problems occur more processes.

Critical progress node control.

Labor co-ordination. According to the engineering volume and duration of the labor force to reach the peak of the plan, materials began to deliver in batches, quality, supply to meet the schedule requirements, preferring to let materials and other people, can not let people and other materials.

Hold on to the job. The grass-roots layer is separated to facilitate the organization of job-snatching.

Three accounting. At this stage of workload, the price has been confirmed, the need to check the process visa tracking, do a good job of team workload check preparation.

Audit planning and final account preparation. Budget staff following the tender documents, business planning, contract terms, project visas, sign-off to complete the audit planning, and final accounts preparation.

Performance management. Period performance, fund payment performance, quality performance.

Quality control.

Finished product protection. Pack in place, protect in place.

Closing phase(80-100 stage).

The elimination plan.  Organize the unfinished work, and work that is not completed is processed

Details corrected. Project department full – start the inspection, arrange maintenance personnel for inspection problems for repair, difficult to close the details, one by one correction.

Settlement information. The person collects 24 relevant settlement data, and after completion, the motion is handed over to the cost settlement personnel, to prepare the settlement information in time for trial.

The completed internal audit shall be sent to the trial. Subcontracting and material completion internal audit information should be standardized and complete: calculation book (clearly written in the subregion), visa documents, subcontracting project audit form, subcontracting settlement document, project settlement approval order, classification, and finishing clear.

Completion summary phase.

Audit phase.

Project management “0-100” system is not only a project management tool, but also a methodology, equivalent to giving the project manager a war map, to solve the project management team’s ability is different, project quality and efficiency is a very different situation.


Own and retain the right person

Is the key to the success of enterprise development

Thousands of troops are easy to obtain, one will be difficult to find. Enterprise employment must be first inside and outside, priority from the first-line selection of talent, because “Zai Xiang out of the state and county, mammoth out of the soldiers”, 70% of the preparation can be correspondingly prepared training programs, promote the backbone.


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