
High-end hotel Engineering department organizational structure and operating procedures optimization

High-end hotel Engineering department organizational structure and operating procedures optimization

The necessity and rationality of hotel engineering optimization

Take this article to pay New Year’s greetings to all of you.  I wish you all: New Year’s Day! Everything’s going well!

Years ago, I have been busy with the preparation of new projects, so that I have not been able to update the content in a timely manner, friends more inclusive.

After the Spring Festival, I am in the finishing and updating of our hotel brand standards of the engineering department management practices. Now share with you some ideas after I organize, I hope to use this article with peers to communicate more, and continue to improve my hotel engineering management practices update.

The need for hotel engineering optimization

With the declining income of star hotels, much research by industry people also confirms that hotel revenue and star ratings are not necessarily linked. Many high-end hotel brands have also jumped out of the star rating line and have been further optimized for …

The market for high-end hotel projects is also segmented, unlike in the past large and complete star hotels in order to adapt to all the spending power of guests, but in the brand, positioning to capture a certain part of the core needs of consumers.

The public area’s very versatile space is compressed or cut, leaving only functional space for the core competitiveness of the brand, and can further optimize the number of hotel management operators, continue to reduce the hotel staff room ratio.

Hotel space in the hotel planning is particularly important, the output of each square space of the hotel is carefully calculated. The main profitable part of the rooms accounted for the hotel’s average area is constantly optimized, reduced.

Naturally, the space and staffing of the hotel engineering department must be further compressed. To this end, now the high-end hotel brand engineering department and the previous star hotel staffing and operating procedures should also have new planning and construction.

The following will be together with the group to explore the hotel engineering department’s organizational structure and operating procedures feasibility, rationality.

The organizational structure of the staff of the hotel engineering department is optimized

The organizational structure of the Engineering Department is generally:

Director of Engineering – > IT manager, on-duty engineer, engineering secretary (or assistant).

IT Manager — > IT engineer, engineer assistant

On-duty engineer — > operation supervision, maintenance supervision

Operation supervision — > operation team leader — > electrician, boiler worker, chiller, elevator worker

Maintenance supervision — > maintenance team leader — > weak electricians, hydropower workers, decorators, gardeners, warehouse managers

General hotel engineering department organizational chart

The organizational structure of the Engineering Department is optimized to:

Director of Engineering — > IT manager, operations manager, engineering manager

IT Manager — > IT engineer

On-duty engineers — > duty-keeping engineers, operations engineers, maintenance workers

Optimized hotel engineering organization chart

Engineering department’s organizational structure level, optimization of the first four to five layers, optimization of three layers. After optimization, the organizational structure is flatter and the position is more streamlined. The specific number of posts by the director of the engineering department according to the size of the hotel and the recruitment of personnel multi-specialized ability to determine.

The IT section does not recommend further simplification. Hotel network stability and single-store promotion on the Internet are also extremely important, IT team needs to cooperate with the hotel brand headquarters on the single store soft push, and with the hotel marketing soft push work.

Some hotels have IT departments that are independent of the liquor store engineering department.  IT development work content is carried out by the hotel brand headquarters, the main work of the single store or to serve the hotel’s operations. In the single store, but I personally still recommend that the hotel engineering department for unified management, to avoid the hotel maintenance process in the mutual blame.

Of course, there is some hotel security departments (or can also be divided into the security department, the Department of Consumer Control) into the hotel engineering department, this article is not for the time being the two branches of the department into the discussion. Friends who need to know can leave a message with me to discuss, or later I can consider another article to share its optimization with the group.

The operating procedures of the hotel engineering department are optimized

Optimized at the organizational level, the work content of the previous “redundant”  level has been integrated into the operating procedure.

The Director of Engineering reports directly to the leadership. In the event of a temporary absence of the Director of Engineering, the leadership meeting shall be arranged by the Director of Engineering to the IT Manager or Operations Manager Council according to the needs of the meeting.

The management and supervision of the hotel engineering department are merged. Simplified supervision level, direct responsibility to the post, and by the operations manager this level of supervision.

The executive layer no longer has a team leader, direct responsibility to the post. Therefore, the requirements of the executive level to improve, each person must be more specialized and multi-talented, personnel recruitment, the director of the engineering department needs to consider in advance the professional expertise of each person to complement each other.

In updating the standard, the management system should also be in accordance with the optimized operating procedures corresponding to the level of management, the management system in the executive position of the level of relative update.

The reduction of personnel can not worry about major equipment troubleshooting and other work. With the hotel’s mechanical and electrical equipment quality is getting better and better, and the hotel brands in the preparation period will attach importance to technology, equipment control.

As well as hotel equipment suppliers to undertake after-sales outsourced maintenance services (after the warranty period of service), and the market of outsourced maintenance companies are also increasingly mature, more transparent prices, rationalization. If necessary, you can sign the outsourcing according to the need, regular professional maintenance can better ensure the operation of the hotel, but also greatly reduce the supervision of the hotel engineering department.


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