
Hotel Design – High-end Hotel Function Areas and Their Necessary Support Spaces(4)– Wellness Zones

Hotel Design – High-end Hotel Function Areas and Their Necessary Support Spaces(4)– Wellness Zones

Easy to overlook the hotel wellness function support space, this article is for you to solve the support needs of such space.

With the attention and understanding of health, high-end hotels are increasingly paying attention to the physical function of the space, and this kind of space is also thinking about the needs and experiences of guests.

In addition to the physical space equipment, equipment, facilities, and decoration requirements have been greatly improved, the configuration of its support space is correspondingly increased and improved.

Wellness equipment requires more scientific and technological intelligence, is easier to operate, but also more and more humane. Equipment and facilities are more perfect, pay more attention to the comfort of guests in the space, and even private density.

In addition to meeting the needs of the function, the interior space of the design and decoration style and effect is also particularly sophisticated. The hotel is also required to provide more comprehensive services.

The design of such space, the follow-up Jianjiangma will be the other article for the group detailed. Now, let’s go back to what we’re talking about today.

There is more space for sports, such as a golf course, tennis court, badminton court, table tennis room, billiard room, swimming pool, fitness room, yoga room, etc. This section involves more functional space. However, its main support space is not complex, mainly according to different functions can be divided into outdoor and indoor two types.

For functional items of outdoor wellness, in addition to having universal support space, it is subject to availability or distance from the hotel room. Generally far away from the wellness function area, the need for such functional space configuration of the ball cart transfer. Golf course equestrian, such as such activities space large functional items, need to be considered for guests to configure a dedicated ball car service (person, car follow or provided to guests for their own use).

In addition, another support for outdoor wellness rooms is similar to the support functions or space required for indoor wellness space, which we will use as a general support space. Before combing the general support space of the physical space, let’s understand what the service content and service flow of the health space mainly include.

The content or process of the physical and health service mainly includes reception — > operating experience — > service interaction — > physical supplement or rest — > dressing bath, etc. The process is subject to guest needs and this order is subject to change.

This type of room is not the hotel’s main revenue space, more just high-end hotel is purely supporting space. So, after meeting the needs of our guests, some of the space needs to be as integrated as possible in order to reduce the labor costs of support services.

The reception space should be considered in conjunction with areas where guests can rest or supplement their fitness, such as reception reception reception halls, lounge areas, and drinking bar areas Planning settings as close as possible, or functional compounding.

The functional space of the wellness class should be relatively independent. It is also not recommended that the support space be used in conjunction with the reception area, seating area, and dining area of the non-wellness space, as the physical function is generally only the service function space provided by hotel guests. Therefore, the support space of this kind of space should avoid the co-use with the space operated by the hotel.

The support space in this area is mainly in the drinking bar area.  Its support space is no longer described here, but can be found in the support space of the “Restaurant and Dining Space”  which has been described at this stage. If there are questions or specific project planning is difficult to apply, you can contact us or with Jianjiangma himself to solve.

Guests should be provided with a seating area and a self-service tea area, even if the reception area and drinking bar area are not configured for the wellness function space. This has become a basic or necessary configuration for guests at high-end hotels.

Through the reception area can enter the main area of the wellness category, the wellness area can be composed of a number of the sports project area, can also be a separate health project, such as some hotels only  fitness room;

The support functions of the dressing area and bathing area are easy for guests to use after they have finished their wellness exercise. The dressing area, bathing area, and toilet are generally located in a large area, which facilitates the relatively private setting and design of the water supply and drainage network.

Some high-end boutique hotels have fewer rooms, while sports features are not configured in much, and may only have a fitness room (or yoga room). The function of the wellness category is generally only for the use of guests in the supporting rooms, such as limited space in the hotel, or considering the overall effect of the hotel space, there is no dressing area and bathing area.

“Service Interaction”  support for this type of space, based on hotel room pricing, such as space such as fitness room, swimming pool, or to provide guests with relevant sports coaching. Life-related items, such as swimming pools, must be equipped with lifeguards with relevant safety and security.

Each hotel project shall select different sports items for the hotel according to the positioning of the hotel brand and the hotel’s pin-up effect. Although this content does not introduce the functional needs and support needs of each sports project, I believe that after the group of people understands this content, can also live for different physical functions of the project.


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