
How to control the quality of the project? The quality acceptance standard of each project in the hardcover project!

Construction quality acceptance work permeates all aspects of the project process, including the quality acceptance of the construction process and the quality acceptance of the completion of the project in two parts.

The quality acceptance of the construction process is roughly divided into hydropower acceptance, waterway acceptance, waterproof acceptance, carpentry acceptance, tile acceptance (including masonry project, plastering project, wall brick acceptance, floor tile acceptance), oil industry acceptance, and wallpaper acceptance.  

Why quality acceptance?

Most of the construction steps are irreversible, even if you can redo, but also to consume excess human, financial and material resources, for the realization of business objectives and quality objectives are very unfavorable.  

What’s more, after the completion of the project can not be reviewed the hidden engineering parts, after concealment, if found that there are quality problems, but also have to re-cover and cover-up, will cause rework and other very large losses, so must do a good job in the construction of quality acceptance work.


For example, when the acceptance of hydropower projects, what are the circuit laying standards?

Waterproof engineering, waterproof layer height, closed water test length how long to meet the acceptance criteria?

Wall engineering, the same wall empty drum brick floor is the lowest number of pieces?

Today, the small editor and we come together to learn about hardcover construction quality acceptance standards


Water and electricity acceptance

Hydropower construction is an extremely important part of the decoration, from the material purchase, strong and weak power trend, pipe slotting, and other details are testing the team’s construction level, related to the owner’s future residence convenience, comfort, and safety.

The quality acceptance of hydropower construction is mainly carried out from the following aspects:

1, the new indoor assembly box set leakage protector (current ≤30MA), the total switch using the bipolar switch.

2, distribution box ground wire, zero wire using wiring row, the same terminal on the wire connection is not more than 2.  

3, indoor new circuit separation laying, air conditioning, kitchen, bathroom, ordinary sockets, lighting power supply, and larger than 3KW electrical appliances should be a separate circuit.

4, line diameter meets the requirements, lighting 2.5mm2, ordinary socket 2.5mm2, kitchen, air conditioning 4.0mm2, A single-circuit air conditioning hang-up is available at 2.5mm2.

5, ground wiring point to point laying, bright-line horizontal vertical.   (point-to-point).

6, wires must not be directly buried in the wall or ground, must have protective measures. When reinforced concrete walls and top surfaces cannot be piped, they are protected by 3-point or yellow tubes.  

7, wall wire pipe slotting depth is not less than the tube diameter plus 15mm, slotting width than the outer diameter of the tube is 10mmlarger.

8, wall, ground wire pipe side by side,  wire pipe spacing 10-20mm.

9, walls, ground wire pipe with cement mortar or copper wire fixed, spacing is not greater than 1000mm.

10, ceiling wires must not be exposed, lamp headline plus hose protection, split box to have cover protection. The ceiling inner tube is secured with a hook or tube card and does not space more than 1000mm.

11, wire pipe and distribution box, wire box using latch connection, (hose into the wire box, dark box, and dark box connection also need to use the wire pipe transition.

(1) The wire box is connected to the wire tube using a latch.

(2) The line box uses a protective box.

12, PVC wire fittings brush PVC special glue, not loose.

13, PVC wire pipe bending using a matching special elbow spring, there must be no wrinkles.

14, bathroom floor does not allow the laying of wire pipes (subject to structural restrictions can not walk the top of the wall except).

15, strong and weak power is strictly prohibited with the tube and the same back box laying, video, and network lines can be the same box.

Water and electricity are in the same tank

16, strong and weak wire pipe cross, wrapped in paper to do shielding anti-jamming measures.

Weak power uses tin paper for anti-jamming treatment

Strong and weak power did not do anti-jamming treatment

17, wire and gas pipes, water pipe spacing (the same plane ≥100mm, different plane ≥50mm).

18, wire pipe and gas water heater exhaust pipe distance ≥ 150mm, not satisfied should take isolation measures.

19, the new electrical switch, socket, and gas pipe spacing ≥ 150mm, not satisfied with the isolation measures should be taken.

20, the distance between the strong power and the weak panel must not be less than 300mm (except where the actual installation conditions are limited).

Strong and weak wire box spacing 30  centimeters

21, the same wall switch, socket panel level difference ≤3mm.

22, adjacent socket back box or panel out of the wall height is consistent, the backbox between 10mm spacing and filling.

23, the same residential wiring color should be uniform, phase line (L) should be red, zero line (N) should be used in blue or black, ground protection line (PE) must be the yellow and green two-color line.

24, the pipe wire cross-sectional area does not exceed 40% of the pipe diameter cross-sectional area, such as:

The  6-tube each cross-wires ≤ 3 (4mm2) or 5  (2.5mm2) or 8  Root (1.5mm2);

Each of the 4 tubes ≤ 3  (2.5mm2) or 5  (1.5mm2).

25, the wires in the tube shall not have kinks and joints.

26, the wires in the tube must be able to be pumped, easy to repair and replace later.


Waterway acceptance

The main points of acceptance of waterway construction quality are mainly reflected in the installation of hot and cold water supply and drainage lines and the installation of interfaces of different lines:

1, water pipe laying follows the principle of electricity underwater, not axial distortion.

Violating the principle of underwater anti-electric power

2, water pipe laying left hot right cold, horizontal vertical, pipe center spacing ≥ 20mm.

3, kitchen, bathroom water pipes along the top of the wall (except if the site does not have the conditions).

4, water pipe fixed using the special elevator, U-type card fixed,  U-type card opening facing up.

5, water pipe fixed spacing:L cold s 900mm, H cold s 600mm, L heat s 400mm, H-cold s 300mm, pipe elbow, tee 50mm set up tube card.

6, mixed water valve hot and cold water hole spacing of 150mm, the standard high level, error ≤ 3mm.

The pitch of the mixed water valve is 15 centimeter

The specification requires 15cm±mm and does not meet the specification requirements

7, the parallel spacing between the water pipe and the gas pipe ≥ 100mm, the cross spacing ≥ 50mm.

8, pressure test, test pressure ≥ 0.6MPa, keep 30 minutes connector leakage-free, pressure drop ≤ 0.05MPa.

9, the distance between the water supply pipe and the gas water heater exhaust pipe ≥ 150mm.

10, after the test water pressure, bathtub and shower tap hot and cold water pipe outlet with a special hose connection.

11, embedded in the wall and the ground in the dark pipe groove for waterproof treatment, and with cement mortar to protect.

12, water pipe through the foundation wall, set than the laying pipe larger than 1-2 metal tube sleeve, filled tight, and the casing is secure.

13, shower, bathtub Pre-buried inner silk right angle Elbow must be perpendicular to the wall, installation surface should protrude the wall base (after plastering)15mm.

14, the toilet added water point, the ground slotting, the slot needs to do waterproof after the pipe.

15, drainage pipe must use hard pipe (except with its special pipe), drainage smooth, no slope, no blockage, interface seal, no leakage at the connection.

16, all kinds of metal hoses, PVC drainage pipe connector application kit connection, strictly prohibited filler blockage.


Waterproof acceptance

Waterproof construction has always been the top priority of decoration works, once leakage repair, the amount of work is very large, such as bathroom waterproof repair, first of all, the wall brick, floor tiles knocked off, do waterproof again, do the wall turn, re-install toilet, shower room, ceiling, this is equivalent to a double-over project.

Therefore, to check the quality of waterproofing works, doing a good job of customs clearance is very critical.

1, waterproof coating and the foundation is firmly connected, brush uniform, flat, the surface does not foam, does not flow, no leakage brush.

2, shower wall waterproof layer height ≥ 1800mm, bathtub, basin wall ≥ 1500mm, other parts ≥ 300mm.

3, with pipe fittings, ware base, ground leakage, drains and other joints seams are tight, do not leak.

4, closed water test water depth of the highest point is not less than 20mm, the duration is not less than 24 hours.

5, bathroom floor waterproof construction before the installation of door stones or do water-blocking.

6, waterproof material brush thickness to meet the technical requirements of the product.


Carpentry acceptance

Carpentry construction acceptance is mainly reflected in the ceiling project, the main acceptance points are divided into flat acceptance, high acceptance, material acceptance, and so on.

1, ceiling keel use light steel keel.

2, light steel keel sling spacing ≤ 1000mm, wooden keel and top surface connected with the united states nail or expansion bolt fixed, spacing ≤ 1000mm.

3, light steel keel main deputy keel special connector connection, end double rivet fixed, wooden keel main secondary keel and vertical keel must be connected with steel round nail.

4, light steel keel main keel spacing ≤ 1000mm, sub-keel spacing ≤400mm, suspension length ≤300mm, wood keel main keel spacing ≤900mm, secondary keel spacing ≤400 ㎜。

5, ceiling installation lamps and equipment (opening size ≥300 x 300mm) around the site need to be strengthened.

6, ceiling gypsum board bottom plate side plate, corner of the whole L-shaped transition, ceiling height and beam bottom the same, gypsum board through the bottom of the beam.

7, gypsum board and keel using self-tapping nail fixed, spacing is not greater than 200mm, plate margin spacing 150-170mm, 10-20mm from the edge of the board.  

8, gypsum board between the 5-8mm gap, the board staggered.

9, gypsum board surface flat, there must be no cracking, angle, angle, hammer marks, and other phenomena.

10, self-tapping nail cap must not damage the paper surface, non-stainless steel nail cap to do rust treatment.

11, wet space gypsum board ceiling must be waterproof gypsum board.


Tile acceptance


Masonry works

Masonry construction acceptance attention needs to carry out covert project acceptance content: wood keel fire prevention, anti-corrosion treatment;

1, new masonry wall or original wall door hole, need to add square steel, grooved steel or prefabricated beams, both sides of the wall not less than 200mm.

2, the new non-load-bearing wall should be every 500mm height on the original wall pre-buried expansion bolts connected by rebar or directly in the original wall.

3, the mortar is full, neatly connected, up and down the wrong seam, angular.

4, kitchen and bathroom bag tube use light brick or red brick, first hang the net after dusting.


Plastering works

The main attention paid to the flatness, “cracking, empty drum, off-layering”   phenomenon.  

1, wall plaster should be dense, flat, clean, pollution-free.

2, there must be layering, cracks, empty drum area ≤400cm2, each natural not more than 2 places can not be counted.

3, ash thickness ≥35mm and different material seams should be hung wire mesh reinforcement treatment, join width ≥ 100mm.

The barbed wire was not built onto the old wall

Barbed wire is attached to the old wall

4, the verticality of the wall façade ≤ 3mm, the flatness of the wall ≤3mm, the flatness of the ground ≤3mm.

Check the flatness of the ground

5, Yin and Yang angle square ≤ 3mm.


Wall brick acceptance

Wall brick acceptance focus is on brick integrity and wall tile paving closed flatness and empty drum phenomenon measurement.

1, floor tile wall or glass tile mounting using a special tile bonding agent. Wall tiles require water (except glass tiles).

Porcelain brick soaked in water, no bubbles, fish out to dry

2, brick surface no scratches, cracks, weathering, cornering, missing corrugated and other phenomena.

3, the gap is uniform, the seams are straight and full.

4, wall brick pressure floor tiles, close tight.

Wall pressing process

5, the wall dark position is correct, cut neatly, inside the dark clean.

6, waistline must not be opened, yang corner strip and tile surface height difference of ≤ 0.5mm.

7, tile openings using the hole opener.

The hole opener is open

8, water mouth concave into the wall brick 3-5mm, the surrounding filling is dense.

9, the same wall shall not have more than two rows of non-integrated bricks, shall not appear less than one-third of the width of the wall brick.

10, a single wall brick empty drum area is not greater than 15%(edge length ≥300 mm) and 10%(edge length is less than 300mm). , the cumulative empty drum must not exceed 5%of the number of stickers.  

11, wall brick surface flatness ≤ 2.0mm, wall brick façade verticality ≤ 2.0mm, wall brick yin and yang angle square positiveness ≤ 3.0mm, wall brick seam height difference ≤0.5mm, wall brick seam straightness ≤ 2.0mm, the width error of the wall brick seams is ≤ 1.0mm.


Floor tile acceptance

Ground brick construction quality acceptance and wall tiles are similar, pay attention to kick line construction, in the bathroom and other special waterproof areas need to pay attention to ground leakage and drainage slope problems.

1, bathroom floor drainage direction is correct, drainage smooth, no water, slope 1%-1.5%.

2, brick surface no scratches, cracks, weathering, cornering, missing corrugated and other phenomena.

3, the gap is uniform, the seams are straight and full.

4, the bathroom is paved with marble through the door stone, the two narrow edges and the gap between the wall door frame to be filled with cement mortar.

5, floor tiles paste no empty drum.

Floor tiles are empty drums

6, tile surface flatness ≤ 2.0mm.

The flatness of the floor tiles meets the requirements

The height difference between floor tile seams ≤ 0.5mm, the straightness of floor tile seams ≤ 2.0mm, and the width error of floor tile gaps ≤ 1.0mm.

7, ground leakage installation, diagonal stitching.

Ground leak eight-word cutting

8, kick line and wall combined closely, highly consistent, out of the wall thickness is uniform.

9, kickline local empty drum length ≤300mm, each natural not more than 2 places can not be counted, grass-roots putty can be putty paste.


Oil industry acceptance

Acceptance criteria:

First, no brush, flow.

Second, the feel is flat, smooth, with no blocking feel, no obvious grain sense.

Third, no powder, peeling, crack phenomenon.

Fourth, no permeable bottom, anti-alkali, bite color phenomenon, color uniform.

V. Uncontaminated other types of work (interface with woodwork, switch panels, etc. must be tight, flat, not leaky, and unswirthed and contaminated).   

Six, latex paint to do line finish, should line stripes should be clear, through.

1, the grass is the plaster layer of plaster to find the flat layer, check whether it has an empty drum, a large area of empty drum need to be removed repair treatment.

2, find flat putty for water-resistant putty, scrape two to three times, putty grinding, sandpaper should use model 180 or more (including 180).

3, the bottom box inside clean up whether clean, the backbox around dressing is square.

4, plate seams, construction holes, wall top yin corner, wall slotting cloth, or seam belt treatment.

5, gypsum line installation is solid, correct, no skew, seam no misalignment, no warping phenomenon.

6, wall flatness ≤3mm(the original wall flatness ≥ 20mm, and no plaster looking for peacetime except,  according to the written information record).

Wall flatness detection

Kickline flatness detection

7, verticality ≤3mm.

8, yang angle square positive ≤3mm.  

9, kickline outlet wall thickness is uniform and consistent, the error ≤ 3mm. When the kick line is embedded in the wall, the putty is polished, and the kick line and the wall are basically in a plane.

10, gypsum top angle line under the mouth wall thickness uniform, error ≤ 3mm.

11, the door and window around the mouth of the same plane, the error ≤ 3mm.

12, primer brush is uniform, no leakage brush, no obvious pits, points, hemp surface.

13, Yin and Yang angle straight, no skew, waves.

14, installation of fixed furniture wall verticality ≤3mm.

15, latex paint layer, bonded firmly, no peeling, powdering.

16, the surface layer brush even, no leakage, flow, through the bottom, no obvious color difference and brush marks.  

17, surface no pits, points, hemp surface, sand eye, and other defects.


Wallpaper acceptance

Wallpaper paste construction acceptance of the main attention: off the seam, loss of paper cloth, seam, edge, empty drum and crease, and other issues.  

1, the substrate should be dry, alkali sealing treatment, the surface is flat, yin and yang angle square.

2, grass-roots putty should be flat and solid, with no powdering, peeling, and cracks.

3, the wall base cover has strictly prohibited the use of nitro paint and other building materials.

4, wallpaper surface flat not foaming, knife cutting edge hairless, not upturned.

5, paste solid, there must be no missing paste, subsidies, off-layer, empty drum, and edge.  

6, edge verticality ≤3mm.

7, splicing wallpaper pattern stitching match, no wrong seams, color consistent.

8, 1.4 meters from the wall to face the gap does not appear.

9, wallpaper and door and window covers, kickboards, plaster lines, and other junctions should be tight edges, vertical, neat, hairless edges.

10, yin angle should be disconnected smooth light hook, yang angle at the envelope angle seamless should be wrapped in yang angle more than 20mm.


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