
How to effectively control the capacity area in the hotel architectural design scheme

How to effectively control the capacity area in the hotel architectural design scheme

The building saved the capacity area is profitable than the area of the inconspicity “ to “the capacity area is more cost-effective.”

At this stage, “Jianjiangma”  will share with the group the hotel project design optimization and cost control related content. The contents described in this article are also suitable for other housing projects, the following “Jianjiangma”  will be effective control of the capacity area at the beginning of this phase of the content.

“Jianjiangma”  If real estate developers, hotel investors are short of money, do you believe? Not to mention the reasonable savings in construction costs, and may even be able to substantially increase the marketable area. This is a reasonable design optimization income, I think that no matter which real estate developers will never let go, as a hotel planning professional manager must also be able to reasonably do a good job of capacity control.

Hire a high-quality architectural design institute

Hiring a good, responsible architectural design institute, just in the effective control of the planning area, you can be compared to other design institutes higher design costs to save back, and may even  “earn”  the entire design fee back.

For example, the capacity area we consider to be directly marketable area to calculate, the average price of first- and second-tier cities take 20000 yuan / flat, a good architectural design institute than other architectural design institutes if the solution saved 50 square, it is equivalent to saving 1 million yuan.

Of course, this is assumed to be calculated in terms of the base area and building height of the scheme subject to the impact of the greening rate. Even if both options can exhaust the capacity area, it is also to save the construction costs of the project, and such wasted costs often appear in the basement, to the basement basic structure, construction, mechanical and electrical, decoration of the total cost of 3000 to 5000 yuan / flat, which is also a small hundred of thousands of costs.

Hotel with no capacity

If the area is not limited by building density, building height, the area can be added according to the needs of the project supporting can be increased by other conditions, but the area not included can not be used as a saleable area, so the excess area is invisible to increase the construction cost of the project.

Of course, architectural planning and design often consider the “redundant”   non-capacity area, which will usually be completed after the project acceptance, and then change the original non-capacity area of the function, as some of the capacity of the supporting functional space. That is, the so-called   “stealing” area, but such a risk will still exist.

For example, often consider some equipment room for later conversion to the hotel’s administrative office or logistics area, etc., such as not as a customer or sales of the capacity of the area occupied by the area of the area, in order to set aside more customers and direct sales of the capacity area. When there is not much room for   “borrowing”, it is often possible to review the map, but there will still be spot checks in the future to restore the function of the original plan.

Therefore, consider the cost of decoration of the guest operating space is much higher than the cost of the logistics area, in order to reduce the risk moderately,”stealing”   the area of space will not generally be used as a direct operation to customers, in order to control the risk of waste of investment costs and affect the normal operation of the hotel.

There are also unreasonable program planning, which can obviously be detected, and such programs may also be adopted, which does not preclude the irresponsibility of certain departments or the deliberate designation of certain departments as “golden bags” for annual sampling. That is, knowing that according to such a plan will be the hotel’s hard injury, the future is not stealing can not be changed, otherwise can not meet the use of functional needs, the early release is for the late long-term penalty, which is very deep.

There is a deeper way, that is, the foundation has been built, the process is reminded, when the basic cost has been invested, but also difficult to ride a tiger. Seems to be a reliable relationship, but others in the future “golden bag”  in the early “throw pot”,  later will not lose your company.

“Jianjiangma”  is well aware of the way, the proposal or in accordance with the project’s relevant design specifications, and through reasonable technical means to do a good job of program planning is wonderful. Don’t, don’t, don’t knock me with a brick, “Jianjiangma”  is just responsible to inform, you look at it …

Some projects are wasted by “stealing”  space through technical errors. Therefore, for the hotel reasonable planning of the parking lot and parking space, equipment room, and other space. And the hotel supporting services of other functional space, the space of the capacity part in the maintenance of the hotel’s needs, as far as possible to achieve the smallest space, clear, short and convenient, and guests cross the line optimization, through the following technology to the prosecution as the best policy.

Reasonable planning of fire protection zones and fire escapes

Depending on the different types of commercial buildings, we should concentrate as much as possible on dividing the space of capacity or lack of capacity into different fire-resistant zones to facilitate the necessary area management and possibly effective control of the area.

A fireproof partition in the basement of a high-rise commercial building such as a class should not be larger than 1000 square feet, allowing a maximum of 2000 square meters when the notes in the specification are met. When we plan as close as possible, not greater than this area or multiple areas of centralized planning, which can save the number of fire exits, but also facilitate the adjustment of the program, the area of capacity or non-capacity can be more effectively made reasonable optimization.

Fire channels as far as possible according to the space for the square centralized layout to consider the establishment of ring or bag type fire channel, as far as possible reasonable reduction of the length of fire channel, thereby reducing unnecessary building area and resulting in waste of construction costs.

This is often not only the area inside the fire channel, but may also involve the addition of fire stairs due to the addition of fire exits, and the area of fire stairs must be attached to the fire prevention sub-area. If the farthest end of the ring channel control is effectively controlled to the fire exit (or the fire front room of the fire staircase) within 40 meters and the bag channel is controlled within 22 meters, there is no need to add multiple fire exits or fire stairs.

Avoid underground operating space and human defense zones to share the channel

The basement’s man-made zone etc. is imperse. However, if the basement has commercial space, such as spa space, chess cards, meetings, and other commercial space is a need for capacity, so to avoid the human defense area of the fire channel and underground commercial space channels, otherwise, the shared fire channel needs to be accommodated.

Therefore, the underground commercial space should be set up as a separate fire prevention zone, should not be used with the larger fire channels in the civil defense area, so as to avoid all the common fire channels becoming channels that need to be accommodated.

Of course, when the basement commercial space is dissatisfied with the fire prevention zone area, the sporadic civil defense space beyond the fire zone area can be considered for incorporation into the commercial space, because such commercial space must always be set up fire channel, so that the fire channel between this sporadic civil air defense can borrow the fire channel of commercial space, without the need for separate fire protection channel for the sporadic civil defense space to reduce construction costs.

Other capacity space control

The control of the conventional capacity space mainly has the half-basement buried depth, the capacity space layer height, the compartment layer height, and balcony depth, etc., pay attention not to exceed the specification requirements of the data and cause the need for full calculation of the space can be, belongs to the conventional capacity area control, the group can directly refer to the data in the specification for control, in this no longer do too much talk.


The control of capacity and non-capacity area space is directly related to the control of the overall cost of the project, don’t always think about the basement of the area to “steal”   to the capacity area, in order to obtain more operational area, a good plan or from the technical reasonable planning and control of the savings of the capacity area will also be quite a lot.

As the professional managers of hotel projects, we should first put this pass, and then make other considerations. Where other considerations are in place, they must also be considered in the context of the combined construction costs and possible subsequent risks, as well as this pros and cons analysis and clear reporting to group leaders in advance.

“Jianjiangma”  through the article, will officially enter the “hotel project design optimization and cost control”  content. Through the construction, garden, mechanical and electrical, decoration, and other professional stages of design optimization and material cost control, in order to ensure functional requirements and effects as a prerequisite, reasonable hotel project preparation costs for comprehensive control.

Regarding more hotel project design optimization and cost control-related content, “Jianjiangma”  will be analyzed with the group in the follow-up articles at this stage.


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