
Industrial School Property Management Services Program

The catalog of materials

Chapter 1 The management method to be adopted

Section 1 Analysis of project service requirements

First, our understanding and exploration of the market-oriented trend of campus logistics property management

Second, we are the project property management services needs of research and analysis

Section II The overall vision of managing services

First, for the project management ideas

Second, the organization of the service model

Third, create an effective service value chain

Fourth, the project property management services external communication guide map

V. Management and incentive mechanism of personnel

Section III The management structure and organization of the project

First, the project management organizational chart

Second, service center department settings

Third, the main job responsibilities description and post responsibility system

Section 4 The day-to-day management service plan for the project

First, security precautions management program

Second, student dormitory management program

Third, the campus clean and hygiene management program

Third, the campus green management program

Section V Project Takeover and Work Development Plan

Chapter II Project Management and Service Staffing

Section 1 Project Management and Service Staff Job Placement and Preparation

Section II Requirements for management and service personnel

Section III Briefing on project leaders to be posted

Section 4 The induction assessment criteria for project personnel

First, instruments, appearance

Courtesy, courtesy

Third, work discipline

Fourth, shift and rotation meals

Training and training

Sixth, the main post personnel on-the-job assessment standards

Section V Training programs for management and service personnel

First, the guiding ideology of training work

Second, the implementation and operation of the training system

Third, training subjects and objectives

Chapter III Material and Equipment Plan

First, the need for Party A cooperation and supporting materials and equipment

Second, our company’s material and equipment plan

Chapter Four The Establishment and Management of Archives

First, the contents of the establishment of property files

Second, the specific measures of property file management

Third, the use of archives

Fourth, the management system of archives

Chapter 5 Management Rules and Regulations

Public management system

Second, the internal management system

Third, quality manuals and program documents

Fourth, the work manual

V. The quality record document to be established

Chapter 6 Budget of income and expenditure of funds

Section I The basis of the calculation and the composition of the cost

First, guiding ideology

Second, the basis for measurement

Third, the calculation of the project

Section II Property Management Cost Estimation

Section III Analysis of income and expenditure of property management expenses

Section 4 Return on Investment and Financial Analysis

Chapter 7 New ideas and ideas to improve the management level of this project

First, internal management to promote the “four unity” and  “two consciousness”  concept

Second, advocate “full participation”  management culture

Third, promote the “equal interaction” of the service culture

Fourth, the promotion of “long and orderly, friendly and harmonious”  traditional virtue campus culture

V. Shaping the environmental culture of  “affinity and humanity”

Sixth, strive to provide efficient and convenient campus characteristics of property management services

Chapter 8 Service Commitment

First, the overall quality of service standards commitment

Second, sub-indicator commitments


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