
Practical manual for property management of enterprises and institutions

Practical manual on property management of enterprises and institutions


Chapter One  Property Management Services Contract

Section 1  Office Area Property Management Services Contract

Section II  Residential Property Management Services Contract

Chapter II  Property Management Services Program

Section 1  Office Area Property Management Services Program

Section II  Residential Property Management Services Program

Chapter 3  Customer Service

Section I  Main Systems

First, customer service positions, the main work matters and objectives

Second, customer service fee workflow

Third, the property repair service workflow

Fourth, the workflow for handling complaints from business owners

Section II  Common Tables

I. Inform the register of important matters

Second, reception answer records

Third, complaint handling records

Fourth, customer service night shift record form

V. Reception answers, complaint handling records

Six, maintenance bill

Chapter Four  Quality Inspection

Section 1  Common tables

First, the property center to check the dress and wearing card table

Second, the property center to check the dress and wearing card summary table

Third, office area engineering manager inspection record form

Fourth, office area order management department manager inspection record form

V. Office cleaning department manager inspection record sheet

Sixth, office greening department manager inspection record form

Seven, residential property department manager inspection record form

Eight, the property center manager’s monthly inspection record form

Section II Common Form 74 for Comments

First, the office area annual property services request for comments form (for the employees of the unit).

Second, the annual property services consultation form (for office renters).

Third, the annual owner’s opinion questionnaire (with elevator details table).

Fourth, the annual owner’s opinion questionnaire (no elevator details table).

V. Annual Owner’s Opinion Questionnaire (with elevator schedule)

Sixth, the annual owner’s opinion questionnaire (no elevator summary table).

7. Annual dormitory consultation form

Eight, employee  (customer)  dining satisfaction questionnaire

Chapter 7 Maintenance and maintenance of  housing and facilities equipment

Section 1  Common tables for house integrity

First, housing maintenance inspection record form

Second, the house integrity file record form

Third, the housing integrity classification file record form

Fourth, the housing integrity summary table

Section II  Common tables for rental of houses

First, office housing  (plant)  rental statistics table

2. Registration form for rental of housing in residential areas

Section 3  Common forms for routine maintenance

I. To repair the register

Second, repair service list

Third, repair return visit records

Fourth, “maintenance service order” monthly (quarter, year) report

V. Daily maintenance inspection records of public parts of houses and courtyards

6. Annual daily maintenance settlement form for public parts of houses and courtyards

Section 4  Common forms for special maintenance works

First, the special maintenance project construction application form

Second, special maintenance project acceptance settlement document

Section 6  Integrated management of equipment and facilities

First, the basic system

(I).  Equipment management workflow

(iii)  Statistical table of mechanical and electrical equipment

 (Ivy) Equipment and facilities ledger

Second, commonly used tables

(I).  Equipment maintenance schedule

(II).  The problem of equipment failure of the Foreign Affairs Committee is referred to the single

(iii)  Equipment Incident Report Sheet

 (Ivy) Equipment Foreign Affairs Commission maintenance application form

(V)  Equipment deactivation (sealing, scrapping)  approval form

(Six)  Place mucous rat glue records and checklists between devices

( Seven ) Office Area Engineering (Maintenance)  Department Manager Checks the Records Form

(Eight)  Records of daily maintenance inspection of public parts of the housing complex of the scientific research base

( nine ) The Residential Engineering (Maintenance)  Department Manager checks the records sheet

(Ten).  Engineering (Maintenance)  Department Door Manager’s Jurisdiction Check Record Sheet

( Eleven ) Water, fire, heating, rainwater and sewage on the research base

tube, well, pool inspection, job record  (Table 7-6-15).

Section 7  Variable Distribution Management

Common tables

(I).  High-voltage power distribution equipment operation record sheet

(II).  Low voltage power distribution equipment operation record table

(iii)  Low-voltage power distribution equipment inspection record sheet

 (Ivy) Low-voltage power distribution equipment maintenance record sheet

Section 8  Gas heating boiler management

Common tables

(I).  Boiler safe operation, shift record sheet

(II).  Boiler water quality test records

(iii)  Boiler water quality equipment maintenance records

 (Ivy) Boiler equipment maintenance records

(V)  Boiler accident handling records

(Six)  Unit supervisor and boiler room management personnel check the record form

Section 9  Drainage System Management

First, rainwater, sewage wells, pool inspection, clearance records

Second, roofing, ditches, stormwater mouths, stormwater pipes, rain catch inspection, clean-up records

Third, sewage pump operation inspection record sheet

Section 10  Elevator service

First, the basic system and foreign contracts

Elevator maintenance contract

Common tables

(I).  Elevator maintenance unit daily inspection record form

(II).  Maintenance unit elevator daily maintenance record sheet

(iii)  Maintenance unit elevator maintenance work record sheet

 (Ivy) Elevator operation supervision weekly inspection record form

(V)  Elevator operation supervision monthly  (quarterly)  check record sheet

Section 11  Fire Services

Second, commonly used tables

(I).  Regular inspection and maintenance records of fire protection facilities in high-rise, multi-storey buildings

(II).  Routine inspection and maintenance records of fire protection facilities in multi-storey buildings

(iii)  Routine inspection and maintenance records of the yard fire protection facilities

 (Ivy) Fire-fighting facilities to inspect, check records

(V)  Violation of the occupation of fire channel notice

(Six)  High-rise building fire pumping station equipment operation inspection record sheet (no spray system).

( Seven ) High-rise building fire pumping station equipment operation inspection record sheet (with sprinkler system).

(Eight)  Fire pump regular test pump record table

( nine ) Application form for fire operation

(Ten).  Fire operation permit

( Eleven ) Recorded fire drills

( 12 ) Fire-fighting material account

Section 12  Secondary water supply pipe

Second, commonly used tables

(I).  Water supply (fire, sewage)  equipment maintenance record sheet

(II).  Water supply (fire)  equipment operation, inspection record sheet

(iii)  High-rise buildings without negative pressure water supply operation inspection record sheet

Chapter 8  Public Order Maintenance

Section 1  Security Services

First, the basic system

(I).  Security management workflow

Second, commonly used tables

(I).  Door guard duty record

(II).  Mobile duty record

(iii)  Door guard, patrol guard duty record

 (Ivy) The visitor registration form

(V)  Registration form for passengers and vehicles entering and exiting

(Six)  Monitoring room on-duty records

( Seven ) Monitoring device check record sheet

(Eight)  Outsiders enter the monitoring room and look at, consult and copy the property monitoring information registration form

( nine ) Record of door-to-door inspection, maintenance and repair of residential buildings

(Ten).  Security equipment account

( Eleven ) Security equipment to receive the registration form

( 12 ) The intercom borrows the registration form

(Thirteen)  Security team self-inspection record sheet

( Fourteen ) The department manager of the order management department checks the record sheet

(Fifteen)  Office rental housing safety check record

(Sixteen)  Rental units have security risks within the time limit rectification notice

Section II  Parking Services

First, the basic system

(I).  Motor vehicle management workflow

( nine ) Motor Vehicle Parking Management Service Agreement (Office, Residential General). 

Second, commonly used tables

(I).  Fixed Parking Statistics Summary (Table  8-2-4).

(II).  Summary of non-fixed parking statistics (Table  8-2-5).

(iii)  Motor vehicle entry and exit registration form (office area, residential area general)

 (Ivy) Office area motor vehicle access voucher

(V)  A voucher for the entry of motor vehicles in residential areas

(Six)  Motor vehicle parking inspection record sheet (office area, residential area general).

Chapter 9  Cleaning Services

Section I  Basic System

First, cleaning management workflow

Sixth, office cleaning area details and quality standards

Seven, office cleaning schedule

Eight, office area environmental cleaning task allocation table

Nine, residential cleaning parts details and quality standards

Ten, residential cleaning schedule

XI. Distribution table for environmental cleaning tasks in residential areas

Section II  Common Tables

First, kill work check record sheet

Second, cleaning equipment to receive the registration form

Third, cleaning staff to check each other cleaning quality records

Fourth, office cleaning department manager to check the record form

Fifth, office cleaning service quality center manager check the record form

Sixth, residential cleaning service quality  (department, center) manager check record sheet (with elevator).

Seven, residential cleaning service quality  (department, center) manager check record sheet (no elevator).

Chapter 10  Greening Management

Section I  Basic System

First, green management workflow

Third, the quality standards of green space conservation

Section II  Common Tables

First, green space conservation work record

Second, green space plant pest control file records

Third, disease, weak trees, shrubs focus on the maintenance of the recovery of the archives records

Fourth, seedlings increase or decrease record

V. The registration form of the seedling file

6. Record of all kinds of acts of encroachment on green space and the results of treatment

Seven, winter set up wind barrier seedling registration form

Eight, green space conservation quality  (department, center) manager check the record sheet

Chapter 11  Decorative decoration management services

Section 1  Office decoration management services

First, the basic system

(I).  Office interior decoration management process

 (Ivy) Office decoration management services and safety and fire protection agreement

(V)  Office decoration construction staff 10 civilized codes

Second, commonly used tables

(I).  Office decoration construction application approval form

(II).  Office rental households paint job construction application

(iii)  Office rental units housing decoration record registration form

 (Ivy) Office decoration construction personnel, vehicle registration form

(V)  Office decoration fee schedule

(Six)  Temporary grounds pass for office decoration and construction personnel

( Seven ) Temporary grounds pass for office decoration and construction vehicles

(Eight)  Office decoration into the start of the permit

( nine ) Office decoration pulls out equipment, materials out of the certificate

(Ten).  Office decoration construction site inspection record sheet

( Eleven ) Office decoration and decoration construction violation record form

( 12 ) Notice of rectification in violation of the provisions of decoration

(Thirteen)  Office decoration and decoration construction violation deduction slip

( Fourteen ) Notice of approval for changes to office decoration and construction projects

(Fifteen)  Decorative decoration acceptance and rectification notice

(Sixteen)  Office decoration completed inspection and acceptance form

( Seventeen ) Office decoration deposit refund voucher

( Eighteen ) Office area house decoration and decoration file

Section II Residential District Decoration Management Services

First, the basic system

(I).  Residential interior decoration management process (Table  11-2-1).

 (Ivy) Residential interior decoration management services and safety and fire protection agreement

(V)  10 Codes of Civilization for Residential Renovation Builders

Second, commonly used table  248

(I).  Application approval form for interior decoration construction of residential buildings

(II).  Residential interior decoration construction personnel, vehicle registration form

(iii)  Residential interior decoration fee schedule

 (Ivy) Temporary grounds pass for construction personnel for interior decoration of residential buildings

(V)  Temporary grounds pass for residential interior decoration construction vehicles

(Six)  Residential interior decoration into the start of the permit

( Seven ) Residential interior decoration pulls out equipment, materials out of the door certificate

(Eight)  Residential interior decoration construction is now on-site inspection record form

( nine ) Notice of rectification of residential interior violation of decoration regulations

(Ten).  Residential interior decoration construction violation deduction slip

( Eleven ) Notice of approval for changes to residential interior decoration construction projects

( 12 ) Notice of acceptance and rectification of residential decoration

(Thirteen)  Residential interior decoration completed inspection and acceptance form

( Fourteen ) The deposit for interior decoration of the residence is refunded to the voucher

(Fifteen)  Residential interior decoration file


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