
The construction plan of the electrical fire monitoring system of the hotel project

First, the general provisions of the construction

1, electrical fire monitoring system before the construction should have relevant departments or institutions to audit qualified drawings and technical documents, and should be carried out according to the drawings of construction, not arbitrary changes.

2. When the electrical fire monitoring system is completed, the construction unit shall submit the following documents:

1) As-built map;

2) Design change transcripts;

3) Construction records (including covert engineering records);

4) Inspection records;

5) Completion report.

Second, construction wiring

1, electrical fire monitoring system wiring. Should comply with the current national standard “building electrical installation engineering quality acceptance specification”(GB50303) requirements, the type of wire, voltage level should be in line with the current standard “fire automatic alarm system design specifications”(CB50116) provisions.

2. The crossing in the pipe or the line groove shall be carried out after the construction plastering and groundworks have been completed. Drain water and debris from the tube or in the line slot before crossing the line.

3, kink; the connector of the wire should be welded in the terminal box or connected with terminals.

4, placed in dusty or damp places pipe port and pipe connection, should be sealed treatment.

5, the pipeline exceeds the following length, should be easy to install the terminal box at the junction:

1) Tube length every more than 45m, no bending;

2) Every time the length of the tube exceeds 30m, there is 1 bend;

3) Every time the length of the tube exceeds 20m, there are 2 bends;

4) Every time the tube length exceeds 12m, there are 3 bends.

6, when the tube into the box, the outside of the box should be locked mother, the inside should be installed guard, in the ceiling laying, the inside and outside of the box should be a locked mother.

7, in the ceiling to lay all kinds of lines and line grooves, it is appropriate to use a separate mounting or support fixed. The diameter of the boom for the lifting line groove should not be less than 6mm.

8, the straight line segment of the line slot should be every 1.0mto1.5m set hanging point or fulcrum, in the following parts should also be set hanging point or fulcrum:

1) at the wire slot connector;

2) 0.2m from the terminal box;

3) The direction of the line groove changes or the corner.

9, a pipeline through the building’s deformation seams (including sedimentation seams, telescopic seams, earthquake-resistant seams, etc.), should take compensation measures, wire across the two sides of the deformation seam should be fixed, and leave an appropriate margin.

10. After laying the wires of the electrical fire monitoring system, the insulation resistance should be measured with a 500V megameter for each circuit, and the ground insulation resistance should not be less than 20MΩ.

Third, the installation of a set of rules

1, the installation of an electrical fire monitoring system should meet the requirements of the relevant national standards.

2. Installation of electrical fire monitoring system must be carried out by professionals.

3, detector installation should take full account of the mode of power supply, supply voltage, system ground form, and monitoring mode.

4. The owner of the building property right shall establish and keep the installation and test records of each detector in the system.

5, the detector and bare charged conductors should ensure a safe distance, the metal shell of the detector should be safely grounded.

6, prohibit the installation of detectors without cutting off the power.

7. The cable of the detector’s output circuit shall use a twisted pair copper core conductor with a cross-sectional area of not less than 1.0mm2.

8. The installation of the detector should not compromise the integrity of the monitored line, and the line contacts should not be increased.

Fourth, the installation of electrical fire monitoring equipment installation

1, electrical fire monitoring equipment installed on the wall, its bottom margin ( floor ) surface height should be 1.3mto1.5m, its side distance wall near the door shaft should not be less than 0.5m, the front operating distance should not be less than 1.2m; when installed on the floor, the bottom edge should be higher than the ground (floor) surface 0.1mto 0.2m.

2, electrical fire monitoring equipment should be installed securely, not tilted. Reinforcement measures should be taken when installed on lightweight walls.

3, the introduction of electrical fire monitoring equipment cables or wires, should meet the following requirements:

1) Wiring should be neat, avoid crossover, and should be fixed firmly;

2) The cable core and the end of the wire, should be marked with the number, and consistent with the drawing, the handwriting is clear and not easy to fade;

3) Terminal board ( or row ) of each terminal, the wiring should not exceed 2 ;

4) Cable cores and wires should be left with a margin of less than 200mm;

5) The wires should be tied into bundles;

6) After the wire is introduced into the wire through the pipe, it should be blocked at the inlet pipe.

4, the main power supply of electrical fire monitoring equipment is strictly prohibited to use the power plug;

5, electrical fire monitoring equipment ground (PE) line should be secure and has a clear sign.

6, electrical fire monitoring equipment inside the different voltage levels, different current categories, different functions of the terminals should be separated, and there are obvious signs.

Fifth, install the remaining current electric fire monitoring detector

1. The residual current electrical fire monitoring detector should measure the inherent leakage current of its monitoring line before installation.

2. The residual current electrical fire monitoring detector shall be properly wired in different system ground forms following appendix B.

3. The N-line on the load side of the residual current electrical fire monitoring detector (i.e., through the operating zero line of the detector) can only be used as a neutral line for power supply to that circuit, must not be shared with other circuits, and cannot be grounded repeatedly (i.e. cannot be connected to PE). Line connection ), A strict distinction must be made between N and PE lines, and the three-phase, four-wire power supply circuit working zero line N should enter (in) Detector, PE line can not enter the detector. Working zero line N (neutral line) as a PE line is strictly prohibited, and PE line as working zero N is strictly prohibited.

Sixth, the installation of a temperature-measuring electrical fire monitoring detector

1, temperature-measuring electrical fire monitoring detectors should be installed in contact with special fixed parts.

2, infrared temperature-measuring electrical fire monitoring detector should be fixed on non-movable objects, and with the monitoring, object to maintain a safe distance.

Install a line-type temperature-sensing fire detector:

Line-type temperature-sensing fire detectors should not be more than 10cmapart from the monitoring object when installed without contact.

Seven, commissioning general provisions

1, electrical fire monitoring system commissioning, should be carried out after the construction.

2, before debugging should have the necessary technical documents for debugging.

3, debugging units should prepare to debug programs before commissioning, and according to the program debugging.

4, the person in charge of commissioning must be professional and technical personnel.

5, after debugging should have a detailed monitoring point alarm value parameters set the record, the corresponding monitoring point address, and the corresponding installation location information record.

Eight, electrical fire monitoring system commissioning

1, electrical fire monitoring system debugging, should be the detector and monitoring equipment one by one single-machine power check, normal before the system debugging.

2, electrical fire monitoring system after power, should be following the relevant requirements of the current national standards for monitoring equipment for the following functional inspection:

1) Monitoring alarm function;

2) Control the output function;

3) Fault alarm function;

4) Self-test function;

5) Power function.

3, check the main power supply and backup power supply of monitoring equipment, its capacity should be in line with the current national standards and the requirements of the instruction manual, after the backup power supply is charged and discharged 3 times in a row, the main power supply and backup power supply should be able to switch automatically.

4, should use a special inspection instrument (residual current generator and temperature occurrence speculation) to test the detector one by one.

5, should be used with the main power and backup power supply, check the system’s functions.

6, the system in a continuous operation of 12h after no fault, on time to fill in the system commissioning report.

Nine, acceptance of the general provisions

1, after the completion of the electrical fire monitoring system, the construction unit should be responsible for organizing construction, design, supervision, and other units for acceptance, acceptance can be put into use.

2, should be all the devices in the system for acceptance, including the remaining current-type electrical fire monitoring detector, temperature-measuring electrical fire monitoring detector, monitoring equipment, etc. for acceptance.

3, the system acceptance documents should include the following:

1) System completion table;

2) System completion map;

3) construction records (including hidden project acceptance records);

4) System commissioning report;

5) Management and maintenance personnel registration form;

6) Detection report.

Ten, acceptance inspection

1, following the design requirements to verify the electrical fire monitoring system set.

2, the monitoring equipment in the electrical fire monitoring system should carry out functional tests, including system monitoring and alarm function, control output function, fault alarm function, self-test function, power supply function.

3. Detectors in the electrical fire monitoring system are randomly tested at 10percent of the total number, but not less than 10;

4, should use a special inspection instrument (residual current generator and temperature generator) to test the alarm value of the detector, the alarm value should meet the design requirements.

5, the independent set of electrical fire monitoring detector alarm signals should be tested, alarm signal should meet the design requirements.


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