
The hotel’s Ping effectiveness analysis and its key indicator control

The hotel’s Ping effectiveness analysis and its key indicator control

After the hotel positioning, the control of investment risk control on the function planning control and requirements

The day arch has no end, the work does not Tang donated to the sea. With the accumulation of knowledge of the previous article, I believe this article can help you to add wings, or at least can make a long time.

Hotel functional technical indicators have been the group eager to get some algorithms, algorithms directly set for the project. The content of this stage, “Jianjiangma”  will begin to be revealed for the group one by one, but if you want to be able to apply one click is not practical. Also hope that the group can read the content of this stage can be flexible to use as a good.

The content of this stage also needs to find more project cases to hand-measure a quantity, calculate a calculation, more thinking, more summary, to ensure that you can understand the “Jianjiangma”  in many years of work experience to organize unique and valuable results.

We’re not going to think about what kind of hotel to do to find suitable land to build a hotel. Often get the case of the plot, combined with the location of the plot, the plot of the relevant building technical indicators (the plot’s planning properties and the total area of the plot, greening rate, volume ratio, building height, and other indicators), through comprehensive research, analysis, do a good job of the overall positioning of the project, hotel positioning, and determine the brand and then carry out the hotel’s functional planning.

Without a clear hotel positioning to start the hotel’s functional planning, that is the project owner to give money bags to support confusion, or simply do not understand what kind of hotel is a business. Also like a few years of residential construction do not worry about selling psychology, think that “hotel”   built, use what brands are suitable, the configuration of what functions can be sold, do a large area of hotel rooms have a market. What’s more, if you want to do a high-end hotel project, you only know it by the hotel – the hotel room plus a cash register (lobby) is finished. Even basic functional support, space support has no concept, parking spaces and logistics have not been considered …

It would be ridiculous if you were still doing hotels in this state of mind and delusional that such hotels would make money. This is a heavy price to pay, and in the end, I do not know exactly where the water is deep, the possible holes have always been unable to fill.

More so-called designer ignorance, no hotel positioning, demand will dare to start design, only their own so-called art, so-called set to play casually, in the end, all is not the ultimate let the owners to pay, to fill the pit, this is how unholy, irresponsible for the hotel project. Even if the hotel has as a work of art, but must not leave it as a commercial property and fool around.

Hotel positioning is the most important link in the preparation of the hotel. Hotel positioning is determined, the following content is meaningful, but also the need to share this article.

Reasonable effect of hotel planning

Hotel non-room sales of functional space will not be the main profit space, are hotel rooms as the main profit space for the project. Therefore, the planning area of hotel room space will generally be used as the main data of the hotel’s pre-financial measurement, it is often used as the hotel’s Ping effect to analyze.

But does not mean that in addition to hotel rooms, other functional supporting spaces can be planned without detailed research and precise positioning. In addition to hotel rooms, supporting space can also be profitable, is the hotel’s real profit, and is a high-value hotel project. This fully reflects the hotel project’s accurate positioning and rational planning of the importance.

Of course, some have been precisely positioned for other functions as the theme of hotels, such as some hot springs or conferences and other theme hotels, such hotels with characteristic features to drive room revenue, often features of the function will also be profitable space, even if its profitability is not as strong as hotel rooms, but in order to highlight this feature to increase this feature space.

There is also hotel’s special dining function profit, big dining profit can be very high, but the positioning of catering, space facilities, decoration, dishes, service requirements are very high, and also have to add some luck, otherwise, it can also be a loss of bottomless hole. As a result, the risks are high.

What kind of area planning is considered to be a high-efficiency hotel, or the size of hotel rooms, the number of reasons. So, let’s take a look at and analyze some important data about hotel features and spatial planning.

Reasonable experience Ping efficiency ratio:

(excluding apportionment of parking space)

The proportion of rooms in high-end resort projects is more than 60%;

The room portion of the high-end city hotel project is more than 75% of the area;

Mid-range hotels The room portion of the project is more than 85% of the area.  

Hotel rooms with shared floor space:

(excluding apportionment of parking space)

Rooms in high-end resort projects typically have an allocated area of 90 to 120 square meters;

Rooms in high-end city hotel projects typically have an allocated area of 75 to 90 square meters;

Mid-range hotels Rooms in the project typically have an area of 50 to 75 square meters.

The indoor area of hotel rooms:

(Excluding public corridor allocation on the hotel room floor)

The indoor area of the main rooms of high-end resort projects is generally more than 60 square feet;

The indoor area of the main rooms of high-end city hotel projects is generally 38 to 45 square meters;

The main rooms in the mid-range hotel project typically cover an area of 28 to 35 square meters.

Purchasing power often determines the asking price, and the asking price often determines the customer base. The higher the spending power of the customer group, the higher the demand and requirements of the customer group. High-end hotel projects for the expectations of the guest group will naturally be higher, the general corresponding hotel functions will be relatively complete.

But it doesn’t necessarily mean that the more the better, the bigger the more luxurious the better. This requires the hotel to have adequate research and positioning, seize the core of the brand’s customer needs to do fine, and make features.

Three thousand weak water, take a lady enough.  High-end hotel brands focus on customer segmentation, market segmentation, accurate customer segmentation positioning, to avoid functional, space is too large and wasteful, space can be small and refined, the hotel’s ping effect to achieve the best.

The above data guarantee the proportion of planning hotel room area space and reasonably plan the number of hotel rooms, hotel room profit-sharing hotel supporting the input cost of functional space, to ensure that the risk of hotel investment is relatively controllable. Hotel in the function and space of discretion, and then to highlight the characteristics, improve the hotel’s profitability.


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