
The impact of the epidemic on the hotel industry and the thinking of hotel establishment professional managers

The impact of the epidemic on the hotel industry and the thinking of hotel establishment professional managers

What preparations and responses do hotel-ready professional managers have to do while waiting for work to resume?

2020 will be an important year for career managers, a strong in adversity or a cloud of waiting, and companies will have to weigh the scales invisibly.

Zhong Nanshan, the most retrograde, said the peak of the epidemic will appear in mid-to-late February, in the epidemic battlefield of front-line medical personnel and the central government, local governments, and even the common people’s joint efforts, new and confirmed cases have been declining, I hope the inflection point of the epidemic will come as soon as possible. Here I would like to pay tribute to all those who have paid tribute to this new battle of the coronary pneumonia virus and wish you all the best!

Cities across the country are in a state of pause. Of course, there are also many micro-blogging big V advocates that different industries should start an orderly resumption of business, this “Jianjiangma”  although not agreed, but does not exclude such a voice, I believe that many enterprises are not black heart, enterprise difficulties, employee difficulties, each person’s difficulties are only known to each other,   “Jianjiangma.”  I dare not comment here. But such a voice can make the government management departments not one-size-fits-all, can further communicate with these enterprises, the extraordinary period can also be rational treatment, and help enterprises to do a good job together in epidemic prevention work, properly arrange the normal operation of enterprises ready to cross the difficulties.

When the outbreak warning is not lifted, if enterprises want to officially resume work, the application process for re-work will also be quite complex. Even for companies that have donated money or donated money to the outbreak, the government is afraid to have any special approval. As a hotel investor, it is not possible to take such a risk at a critical time.

The hotel construction industry is still basically waiting for the resumption of work. Our hotel planners may be powerless to deal with this outbreak, but I believe that after the hard war across the country, the key period for our hotel to build the main battleground will come. At present, our hotel to build professional managers more is only online work, but no matter what the current working conditions of our project, as a hotel to build professional managers thinking must not be suspended.

Our urgent task should be to clear the way, we must think about the future impact of the hotel and hotel-related services industry after the outbreak, and in particular, pay attention to the follow-up tourism, accommodation, travel, and other industries related to the development of support policies.

The Hong Kong SARS incident resumed during the year on the impact of Hong Kong’s travel and hotel industries

For the hotel and hotel-related industries to think, “Jianjiangma”  and the group first took advantage of the Hong Kong SARS incident on the economic impact of Hong Kong to resume trading.

SARS began with the first case on  16 March 2003   and was removed from the list of atypical pneumonia-affected areas in Hong Kong on 23 June, and 8  The last case of atypical pneumonia on 18th of January was discharged from hospital.

After the outbreak subsided, the lack of willingness to travel continued for more than half a year, directly affecting the travel and hotel industry. The hotel industry was the first to bear the brunt, with the the2003 Q2-Q4 performance data falling sharply, although it rebounded from Q2 and Q3 at the end of 2003, but not, but did not achieve the expected blowout growth. At that time, people were still wary of traveling in Hong Kong. The impact of this event was largely eliminated after the window period, and the hotel industry’s business data was truly restored.

Hong Kong’s GDP data maintained a high growth trend in 2004, 2005, and 2006 and more than doubled the average rate of world economic development. This depends on the strong support of the Central Government for the HKSAR, the formal implementation of CEPA(the Mainland-Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement) on 1   January 2004, and the relaxation of the free movement and opening-up strategy for mainland residents to and from Hong Kong. The confidence of the Hong Kong business community in the Hong Kong economy has been stabilized and the economy has begun to recover significantly.

According to the Hong Kong Department of Health, a total of 1755 people were infected with the virusand296 died in  SARS incidents in Hong Kong in 2003.  Data on the outbreak of the new coronary pneumonia virus in 2020 are visible to all people across the country. The window period of the outbreak has not yet been decided, but I believe that our medical researchers will soon be able to overcome the difficulties so that the window period of the virus ended as soon as possible. According to the data available, the main battleground for enterprise follow-up is not optimistic and should be prepared for a longer period of time than the impact of the SARS virus on Hong Kong’s tourism industry in 2003.  

But China’s economic development has lasting and dynamic, we believe that the country, the government, and the Party’s ability to govern, as well as our self-recovery ability in all walks of life, believe that there will be enough strength to deal with the next economic war.

As a hotel to build professional managers, we, in the hope that the outbreak will end as soon as possible, but also need to do a good job of thinking about the rest.

First, the short-term impact of the outbreak on the hotel industry

As far as the scope of the impact of this new coronavirus is and the number of people infected, I can never hope that Hong Kong will be able to welcome a wave of Xiaoyangchun in six months. Hong Kong free trade port, foreign trade, travel, and tourism is the key main industry of Hong Kong, the policy is to need a new year to support this, and this time the main battleground for the entire Chinese mainland, 100 industries to be supported, hotels and other related industries, is not the primary support of the industry. Perhaps it is possible to support the recovery of manufacturing production or to restore confidence in all sectors of society through public infrastructure.

Therefore, our hotel industry to fight this hard war of confidence, but also to do a longer-term, more difficult preparation.

Second, the impact of the epidemic on the hotel industry in the medium term

Throughout every catastrophe of mankind, it will become an awakening of new human thought. The needs of people will change with the disaster, and I believe there will also be new demands on services in the service industry and in our hotel industry. People’s spiritual and cultural consumption must be a new improvement, the social consumption structure will be significant changes.

Perhaps our existing hotels in the camp, especially in the middle or low-end hotels will cause great pressure, after the outbreak s may also usher in a wave of small Yangchun belonging to their market, but the future will face a big reshuffle of the industry or have to be with the outbreak brought about by changes in the consumption structure and upgrade.

Third, the long-term impact of the outbreak on the hotel industry

Online games in this period of time become the biggest dividend of the industry, but we are not worried that more people will develop the habit of “home”,   more people from this period out, more love life, more love of work, more love of family. What’s more, a home country will never allow the whole people to indulge in this, I believe that soon will be more stringent control of online games.

Activities in tourism and travel-related industries are the basic needs of social activities (including business activities and family travel) and the consumer demand for people to self-improvement with social development. Although tourism, travel-related industries are not the first industry of socio-economic stability, tourism, travel-related industries for economic depression has strong resistance, is an important industry of socio-economic development, with the end of the epidemic and continue to increase its tension, into an important participant in socio-economic recovery.

Looking back at the impact of SARS on our hotel industry, I believe that after this outbreak, the resilience and development of tourism and travel-related industries will be equally strong and better than we expected. Similarly, the development of our hotel industry will certainly usher in geometric growth.

Fourth, summary

Through the above thinking, hotel planning professional managers still want to project eager to return to work? The rush to resume work, the enterprise needs to bear the responsibility of great risk, is a double-edged sword. At present, we should start more from the thinking of the industry, first judge whether the positioning of hotel projects under construction needs to be readjusted, and make reasonable adjustments to the milestones of the project.

It’s best that we can do the following before we resume work.

1, whether it is necessary to rethink whether our hotel project can also meet the outbreak after the change in people’s demand for hotels, may wish to ask a few more words whether our hotel design can cope with the future hotel market;

2, the impact of this outbreak on our enterprise, whether the strategic adjustment of enterprises will affect the repositioning of hotel projects under construction;

3, whether this outbreak makes our enterprises on the hotel projects under construction to put pressure on the funds;

4, to understand the impact of the contract with our hotel project under the outbreak, and whether it will affect the performance of the contract;

5, through the above understanding, our hotel project preparation schedule is the direct correction or need to be redrafted;

6, for the resumption of work personnel to formulate epidemic prevention measures and prepare adequate epidemic prevention equipment, facilities. Especially for the construction party migrant workers before the return to work inspection and post-work internal control.

The above is only  “Jianjiang ma” personal thinking about the hotel industry, more expected risks welcome the hotel industry people message discussion.

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