
Hotel Design – High-end Hotel Function Areas and Their Necessary Support Spaces(2)- Restaurants and Dining Spaces

Hotel Design – High-end Hotel Function Areas and Their Necessary Support Spaces(2)- Restaurants and Dining Spaces

The hotel owners who have not done hotel operations also dare to question the hotel management’s bottom.

The opening content of this topic, “Hotel Entrance and Lobby Area”,  has been praised by many hotel design industries, giving Jian Jiangmen the motivation to continuously update the content.  Jianjiang Ma especially in this article to thank you first: I wish you all smooth work!

Some friends in the hotel design industry in the public number and Jianjiangma direct message, want to understand the area of each functional area of space calculation. Recently herbal tea to start rising prices, please don’t worry, easy to catch fire. Oh, yes…

At the end of the previous article, I have stated: the size of each functional space, space design sense, and so on and hotel brand, hotel volume, and specific hotel projects, which will be written after the function of each space and its support. Because of my limited energy, can only slowly according to their own ideas for the group to start one by one, please be patient.

If a friend is anxious to solve a specific problem at work, you can send us the data of the specific project directly or leave a message with Jianjiangma in the public number. We will respond to you in a timely manner and make relatively objective suggestions for you.

Hotel dining space in the eyes of our hotel designers, mostly the concept of the restaurant area and kitchen. When the hotel owner receives the hotel management’s demand for the restaurant or dining space, it is not possible to review the functional space and has to convey it directly to the designer. Through this article, we hope that the hotel owners dare to question the hotel management’s bottom line, but also hope that the hotel design can be based on the needs of the hotel brand reasonable planning of the restaurant program, as far as possible to reduce the workload of repeated modifications to the design.

This article will share with the crowd another important guest area of the hotel — the hotel’s restaurant and dining space. Hotel restaurant space is an essential functional space for high-end hotels, the space that best shows hotel quality in addition to hotel rooms, and the important space to drive high hotel ratings.

High-end hotel restaurants and dining spaces are:

1, all-day restaurant or Western restaurant

The main function space and support space of the all-day restaurant:

Welcome, restaurant area, service desk (order, cash register), Buffy desk, ming file, multi-functional room (can integrate meeting functions as a high-end mini-ballroom), kitchen area, and other support space

2, Chinese restaurant and Chinese dining room

The main functional space and support space of the Chinese restaurant:

Welcome, seating area, service desk (order, cash register), tea room/cabinet, restaurant area, ming file, private room (as the hotel’s high-end dining, the private room should include a dining room and bathroom support space, kitchen area, and other support space.

3, multi-functional banquet hall

The main function space and support space of the multi-functional banquet hall:

Banquet lobby, tea lounge (special guests in the lounge, can also be flexible as a small private room), a VIP lounge (including the bride’s room, bathroom), multimedia equipment room, furniture storage room, pre-dinner dining area, kitchen area, and other support space.

4, lobby compound dining area or lobby bar, coffee bar

Lobby complex dining area or lobby bar, coffee bar main function space, and support space:

Water bar, warehouse. Products such as pastries or light meals need to be set up in the area’s operating room or kitchen depending on the number of guests received.

5, theme restaurant or specialty restaurant

The functional space and support space of this kind of restaurant is similar to that of Chinese and Western restaurants. However, in order to highlight the theme or characteristics, generally according to its own characteristics in the restaurant area set display operating space or instant interactive operation services to customers.

6, other dining spaces (such as the terrace bar, snack bar, red bar, etc.).

The functional space and support space of this kind of dining space generally only have a dining area and an open operating area, interactive operation with guests, and, in addition, close to the operating area, set up a separate warehouse and cleaning room for such space.

Details of other support spaces and some support spaces:

In addition to the functional space and support space described above, the hotel restaurant and dining space, the Chinese and Western restaurants may also have a packing room, pastry room, noodle room, burn room, tattoo room, western cake room, or another processing area;

Packing room, pastry room, noodle room, burning room and tattoo room even in the clear file area or have this function, but the specific function is different, this is mostly for the display function, and generally not equipped with raw materials processing area; The West Pie Room also needs a warehouse divided into operating areas, baking rooms, flower rooms and, or, for that function space.

Rooms (or other areas of the hotel require meal delivery service) a la carte room, space is limited in the kitchen preparation area can be set up room service table (countertop settings with order function and can be placed insulation box, the bottom of the table set up collapsible dining cart).

In addition, bathroom entrances and exits that support dining spaces should be careful not to be located in kitchen outlets or recycling aisles and to maintain an appropriate distance from the dining area. In particular, the entrance and exit of the toilet are not in line with the dining area, such as the dining area and another functional space adjacent, can be considered to set up a common, improve the efficiency of the space.

For the support space of restaurant and dining space, this paper mainly elaborates on the kitchen area. No further details on other support spaces, such as the need for other support spaces or questions can be left to me.

The hotel kitchen area generally refers to the finishing kitchen, which must be supported by a rough kitchen. When the general space of the finishing kitchen allows, it is recommended to be on the same floor as the dining area, so that the labor cost is relatively economical. When planning heterogeneous layers, it is necessary to set up independent vertical transport lines (elevators or vegetable ladders) as the best, it is recommended that no less than two, divided into dirt, clean ladders.

Under the conditions permitted by space conditions, roughing kitchen, the warehouse should be set up as close as possible to the finishing kitchen next to. However, because the space of the restaurant is more ideal for the guest space, inconvenience too much, such as with the finishing kitchen heterogeneous setting, vertical transport line should be connected with it.

Finishing kitchen:

Tattoo room, cold vegetable room, Chinese hot kitchen (including cutting operator’s station), Western hot kitchen (including cutting operation table), preparation area and food channel, dirt collection channel, washroom, clean bowl room

Rough kitchen:

1, meat

Cut area, cleaning area, high-temperature cold storage, low-temperature cold storage

2, seafood

Seafood pool, cutting area, cleaning area, high-temperature cold storage, low-temperature cold storage

3, fruits and vegetables

Sorting area, cleaning area, high-temperature cold storage

Warehouse support for restaurants and dining spaces:

Access to the library registry/desk, liquor cold storage, beverage cold storage, milk cold storage, dry storage room, Baosan, and other valuable ingredients storage room, ingredients warehouse, kitchen warehouse, ice-making area, ice-crushing area

The above functional space and support space is a relatively comprehensive description, hotels should be based on the positioning of the project, market research and guest demand for the configuration of dining space, and support space should also be based on the size of the restaurant or catering space can be appropriate integration or deduction.


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