
Standardized management and related systems for fine decoration

Use the idea of making products to look at the batch fine decoration, analysis of the current situation of batch fine decoration and standardization system

Today we’re going to talk about two main parts:

1, real estate enterprises volume hardcover status analysis

2, batch hardcover standardization system part

First, batch hardcover repair development status quo, policy interpretation, and development trends

01/ Status of development

China’s fully renovated housing refers to the new housing in the delivery of housing, all functional space in the set of fixed surface and pipeline all laid or painted, kitchen and bathroom infrastructure installed in place.

Development units for the quality of residential decoration of the first responsible person, to assume the responsibility for the quality of residential decoration projects, responsible for the corresponding after-sales service. Construction decoration construction units, decoration materials, and product manufacturers are responsible for the corresponding construction and product quality responsibilities.

The delivery standard of the fully renovated room is the kitchen, bathroom, storage room, roof, wall, floor, door and door cover, window and window cover, water and electricity gas meters, and pipelines, such as a renovation in place. And to provide buyers with fully renovated housing “New Residential Quality Assurance Letter” and “New Residential Instructions.” Internal hidden works, such as the laying of power lines and water pipes, which the owners cannot see from the surface.

02/ Analysis of the current situation of bulk hardcover in real estate enterprises

1, the buyer’s acceptance of hardcover housing

The development of hardcover houses has been carried out in the country, the first-tier cities have entered a relatively mature stage of development, other cities have also entered the initial stage. At the same time, with the development of consumers’ life philosophy and consumption philosophy, the understanding and understanding of hardcover rooms has gradually deepened, and the speed of acceptance has also improved rapidly.

2, the country’s major cities hardcover housing in recent years development

According to statistics, hardcover housing in the country’s major urban property market products is increasing by 10% per year. In the context of energy-saving and consumption reduction, low-carbon economy, reduction of repeated decoration and secondary decoration, in the relevant government departments’ strong advocacy and support hardcover housing has accounted for the proportion of housing in the country, refined decoration room has gradually become the mainstream of real estate development.

In just a few years,20%, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shenzhen, five major cities of fine decoration of the average proportion of all commercial housing 41%, and the growth trend has increased.

Surveys show that Beijing’s finished housing now accounts for 25%ofthe total, Shanghai for 35%and Guangzhou for more than 50%. With the continuous improvement of the quality requirements of housing, the proportion of finished housing in the total number of newly built housing is gradually increasing, there is a great potential to replace the delivery of roughhousing.

Second, batch fine decoration of the operating mode analysis

01/ Industrial Chain Mode

Pattern elaboration:

The subsidiary of the developer is responsible for the design, material procurement, configuration procurement, and decoration implementation, with a one-stop service industry chain.

Representing the business:


How to do this:

The Boys Architectural Design Institute of Guiyuan is responsible for the positioning, structure, and decoration design of the Guiyuan project, and its wholly-owned subsidiary Teng Yue Construction Engineering Company is responsible for the construction of more than 50% of the projects in Guiyuan, while Guiyuan is responsible for the construction of more than 50% of the projects The decoration of the renovated rooms, five-star hotels, etc. is undertaken by its Yajun decoration company, the garden design and greening design is undertaken by its Shunde bi Guiyuan, the theme park is operated by its Hongyu Cultural Village Company, and the park even has its brick factory, Glass factory, and other building materials enterprises.

Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages:

Low cost, large profit margins, strong competitiveness. Guiyuan from the construction to the design and decoration of the implementation, and even decoration materials, all by the company under the responsibility, so can avoid every link of the profit expenditure, and can try to do legal tax avoidance. In this internal integration of the industrial chain operation mode, the formation of low-cost, highly competitive products. Enterprise capital requirements are large, not suitable for imitation. Guiyuan’s development model is not easy for other developers to imitate, it first needs a huge capital chain support. Because of this, the hardcover operation mode of Guiyuan is only a special case, not suitable for most developers to imitate.

02/ General mode of cooperation

Pattern elaboration:

Developers will design, decoration, and construction, such as comprehensive outsourcing, through public tender, commissioned decoration company design, and decoration implementation, with materials suppliers, home appliance suppliers (mainly kitchen suppliers) to reach a strategic long-term cooperative relationship.

Representing the business:

Vanke and most other developers.

How to do this:

Usually, developers through public tender, hire design companies for interior decoration design, and then hire decoration construction enterprises following the design plan for decoration construction;

Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages:

Lower cost, the common mode of operation. Through bidding than three, as far as possible to reduce costs, and suppliers of long-term cooperation, relatively low cost, is currently the developer of fine decoration room the most commonly used mode of operation. The link is cumbersome and easy to get into trouble with. Developers need to cooperate with design companies, construction enterprises, and material suppliers, between the links cumbersome, involving more levels, prone to problems caused by disputes.

03/ Novel cooperation mode

Pattern elaboration:

Developers and residential industrial enterprises to reach a cooperation, by the residential industrial enterprises overall responsible for decoration matters, including civil construction, design, decoration, and even materials (home appliances supporting) supply, the whole process is responsible for one-stop service.

Representing the business:

Hunan yuan big residential workers

Third, hardcover repair of residential ills and its operational points analysis

1, decoration quality problems outstanding

Data show that consumers to developers fine decoration room complaints are the most quality problems, decoration room quality has become one of the most concerned about consumers. At present, the industry lacks the unified standard for hardcover repair house inspection, when consumers find that the decoration room and their thinking do not meet, can not be investigated, developers and consumers are very easy to dispute.

2, personalized decoration was buried

A survey shows that most do not accept fine decoration of the owners, one of the main reasons is not satisfied with the decoration style of commercial housing, think that the same, can not show personality. Developers although the introduction of menu-style services, there are many sets of decoration style and grade schemes to the owners to choose from, but it is not possible to do each set of a program, so this disadvantage is inevitable. Developers can only do more in the design, and strive to meet the needs of most owners.

3, the operation is difficult

Commercial housing for fine decoration, for developers, is not just an additional process. How to cooperate with decoration companies, how to coordinate civil and decoration, clear developers and civil construction companies, decoration companies between the responsibility and division of labor, for the smooth progress of decoration are very important. If the decoration is not good, not only does not play the role of promoting sales but also seriously hinders sales, affecting the brand image of enterprises, can be said to be hard not to please, not worth the loss.

01/ Fine decoration of the main contradictions and countermeasures

The problems brought about by decoration can be summed up as two kinds of contradictions: the contradiction between developers and decoration companies, the contradiction between developers and consumers, because these contradictions need to be avoided appropriately.

1, to solve the contradiction between developers and decoration companies countermeasures

principal contradiction:

Renovation company to sub-charge, steal work to reduce materials; decoration company vague quotation; decoration company can not be completed following the prescribed time;


Through the bidding method, choose a better brand image of the decoration company, and announce to the public, which is not only the quality of the project but also to enhance consumer confidence, improve the projected image (for decoration companies can also enhance their brand image);

2, to solve the contradiction between developers and consumers countermeasures

principal contradiction:

Consumers think that “the goods are not on the board”, consumers are not satisfied with the quality of decoration, consumers are too picky or deliberately refused to accept the building.


Sign a supplementary agreement to ensure the interests of both sides, from the design of decoration, layout to the use of building materials, brands, models, and construction process, quality, warranty time, after-sales service, etc. have made detailed statements, as a basis for resolving future disputes.

Fourth, batch fine decoration standardization system composition

1, batch fine decoration organization system

National or regional group companies recommend the establishment of hardcover research and development departments, integration of internal and external resources, to create core products.

Small and medium-sized enterprises can be led by the Design Management Department to set up a hardcover management center, coordinate relevant departments for hardcover project design.

2, batch fine decoration marketing system

3, batch hardcover repair design system

4, hardcover model demonstration area

5, fine decoration cost optimization system

Fine decoration cost control and optimization are one of the most concerned and difficult works of enterprises, mainly from several aspects of consideration:

Determine the hardcover standard (the benchmark enterprise is generally controlled at about 8%-12% of the selling price).

Integrated and reasonable design (as far as possible according to the factory standardized module design, in advance to consider the scale of construction).

Reasonable allocation of costs, customer focus to invest more costs

Good supply chain integration is cost control

Strong system protection

6, hardcover quality control system

The introduction of demonstration layer model construction management

Core products, main material out of detailed technical standards, strict implementation

The introduction of third-party hardcover supervisors may be considered

Establish a system of relevant inspection standards

The introduction of the corresponding system or the use of experienced total packager finished product protection costs to cause concern, why the finished product protection management is more difficult?

7, fine decoration after-sales service system

How do I establish a product warranty commitment?

Roof waterproof: warranty for 3 years.

Water-resistant walls, bathroom floors, facades, basements, pipes, leak-proof:1 year.

Wall plaster layer off:1 year.

Pipe blockage:1 year.

Heating systems and equipment: a heating period after completion and acceptance.

Current renovation works:2 years.

Doors and windows, floor cracking, hardware damage:1 year.

Electrical switches, electrical lines, lamps:6 months.

Sanitary ware, kitchenware, cabinets:1 year.

Ground foundation and load-bearing body structure: within a reasonable service life specified in the design.

Security system:1 year.

A large area of ground empty drum, cracking, sanding:1 year.

The state’s residential works are otherwise provided: by the state regulations.

How to set up an after-sales service mechanism?

The establishment of a property company-led, with a total subcontracting unit, subcontracting units, property companies, the technical workers composed of the maintenance department

Develop the appropriate maintenance rules and emergency measures to repair quickly

The real estate company will deliver the repair terms and spare parts list of the supplier to the property company before the delivery of the house

Form a good sense of service. Real estate engineering, procurement, technical departments actively cooperate with the maintenance department to work, the first time to solve the problem, to prevent the expansion of the situation

Maintenance Department door at different stages, regular return visits to small owners


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